
Nairobi, Kenya – Representatives from the District of Eastern North America as they visit Brother Marc Hofer, Brother Gabriel Griffin, and Brother Esayas Tsegay, Brother Visitor for the District of Lwanga. This was part of the first full day of the Twinning Summit


Our Twinning Summit delegates have safely arrived in Nairobi, Kenya, and beginning their two week experience of Lasallian immersion and association. The participants include:

  • Ms. Allison Amodie
    Religion Teacher/Lasallian Animator – Saint Raphael Academy, Pawtucket, RI
  • Mrs. Maryann Donohue-Lynch
    Associate Executive Director for Mission and Ministry – DENA, Eatontown, NJ
  • Mr. Abel Gutierrez
    Director of Educational Technology – Cathedral High School, Los Angeles, CA
  • Mr. Marc Parisi
    Director of Campus Ministry – Calvert Hall College High School, Towson, MD
  • Br. Phil Rofrano, FSC
    Executive Director – Martin de Porres, Queens, NY
  • Mr. Bill Wolff,  AFSC
    Executive Director – La Salle School, Albany, NY
  • Br. Dennis Lee, FSC
    Delegation Guide and Summit Planner


For many of our delegates, it was a full day of travel, from the U.S. to Europe to Africa, and Saturday, June 21st was the first day the whole group was together. Today provided time for the group to get acclimated to their new surrounding, meet Brother Novices of Nairobi, as well as Lwanga District’s Visitor, Brother Esayas Tsegay, and the Brother administrative team.

In response to the Action Plan for Mission’s directional statements, the delegation hopes to strengthen the relationship between the twinned apostolates of the District of Eastern North America and the Lwanga District through mutual understanding of our shared Lasallian Educational Mission. As the delegation travels around Africa, their time in prayer and conversation with our Lasallian brothers and sisters of the Lwanga District hopes to foster future opportunities for service –immersion experiences for our apostolates, create new Twinning resources for our schools, all while deepening association as Lasallians.

Directional Statements from the Action Plan for Mission:

DS 13: To support and encourage as a District participation in local, state, national and international discussions, forums, and advocacy involving educational leadership and educational innovation.

DS 16: Provide resources to help connect District ministres with overseas apostolates, particularly through service-learning and immersion trips, working toward becoming a District Without Borders.

DS16.b: raise awareness of the global Lasallian world through resources and curriculum.

DS16.c: promote the use of technology to connect to the global Lasallian world and to enhance curriculum.

DS16.d: Develop and stage service learning and immersion trips for faculty/staff and students.


Special thanks to Abel Gutierrez for posting photo galleries throughout the Summit.

As our participants move around the Lwanga District, they will be doing their best to keep us up-to-date, especially through social media. Keep track of the delegation on our Twitter and Facebook pages.