President, Br. Domenic Viggiani welcomed some 600 guests to the festive anniversary celebration, seen here with students of The De La Salle Cadet Corps.

Brothers, Alumni, and Parents joined in the 160th celebration.

The beautiful Montecassino Banquet Hall in Toronto.
3/5/12 – Toronto, Ontario — On Friday, April 5, 2012, De La Salle College “Oaklands” (Toronto) celebrated its 160th Anniversary Gala that featured a beautiful reception followed by dinner and silent/live auction.
The event took place at the Montecassino Banquet Hall in Toronto. School President, Br. Domenic Viggiani welcomed some 600 guests to the festive anniversary celebration that raised approximately $150,000. Br. Domenic complimented the hard work of the Gala Chair Diana DeFulviis, school directors, staff and volunteers who helped make the night a success.
While guests gathered around the delicious antipasto bar, students from the College went around promoting the popular “Fiat 500” raffle engaging guests to ante up and buy tickets to raise funds for the renovation of change rooms and a chance to win the car.
The gala was a tremendous success as it was the largest one to-date with alumni from all eras and the parent community. The Brothers of the Christian Schools and Board of Directors thank all those who were in attendance and the continued support of those who were not present.
The Gala was the culmination of the school’s 160th year, but there have been other activities throughout the year to commemorate the milestone. De La Salle “Oaklands” held a special gathering in the Heritage House for alumni and parent donors on Thursday, September 15, 2011. The occasion acted as a reminder to all of the debt of gratitude that is owed to those gone before and who are principally responsible for the great heritage of De La Salle “Oaklands.” 160 years recalls the heroic efforts and sacrifice of generations of Brothers, lay persons, and alumni who have passed, as well as an opportunity to reflect on the life and work of St. John Baptist de La Salle, the Founder of the Institute of the Brothers of the Christian Schools.
Earlier this month, Oaklands also celebrated by retiring the number of Kris Draper of the Detroit Red Wings on May 3rd. There have also been a number of reunions and other events organized by the Alumni Board.