Five Novices will spend the year deepening their faith

The five Novices: (back) Brothers Anthony Baginski and Kenneth Kalinowski. (front) Brothers Anwar Martinez, Lewis Harwood, and Michael Miller.

The robing ceremony for Bro. Lewis Harwood was attended by over 30 Brothers, with Bro. Robert Schieler presiding.

The regional novitiate at Mont La Salle, Napa CA
On Saturday, August 21st at Mont La Salle Chapel in Napa,California, Lewis Harwood, FSC, from the District of Australia/New Zealand/Papua New Guinea received the robe and professed promises. Joining him in the Noviciate journey were DENA Novice Brothers Anthony Baginski, Kenneth Kalinowski, Anwar Martinez, and Michael Miller. All the Novices will be spending this year at Mont La Salle furthur discerning their vocations as Brothers of the Christian Schools.
With General Councilor for the USA/Toronto Region Bro. Robert Schieler presiding over the robing ceremony, over 30 Brothers were in attendance including the Visitor for the San Francisco District, Bro. Stanislaus Campbell. The following day, the Novices were officially welcomed by Brothers of the San Francisco District at a Liturgy and a welcoming luncheon.
The District of Eastern North America participates in the Regional Novitiate, currently at Mont La Salle in Napa. The novitiate is 12 months, typically beginning and ending in mid-August. The novitiate is a period to deepen the Brother’s knowledge, understanding, and personal assimilation of the constitutive elements of the life, with special attention to the Rule and the five vows. Brother Visitor determines the readiness of a Brother for the novitiate. Prior to beginning the novitiate year, the Brother will be vested in the Habit of the Institute. At the end of the novitiate, the Brother is eligible to make first vows.