The Brothers are always in my thoughts. I wish my children experienced a Christian Brothers’ education, but unfortunately not available to us.

Thank you for doing this.

Sincerely and best regards,

Terry Scanlan

Thank you for this opportunity to thank some of the Christian Brothers that impacted my life as a student at Detroit De La Salle Collegiate, Class of 1963.
We had 18 Brothers teaching at the time, which in my opinion made De La Salle the excellent school that it was.

Mike Schefke (DLS ’63)
Macomb, Michigan

To all the wonderful De Lasalle Brothers who taught, nurtured, and supported me through my 4 years at St. Raymond’s High School in the Bronx From 1980-1984 I can never thank u all enough, God Bless You.

Steven Neville

As far as I know, all of the Christian Brothers that taught me at LSCHS [Class 1958] have gone to their eternal reward. The exception would be Brother Fredrick William who left the order many years ago. He moved to Pittsburgh where he taught and coached track at Pittsburgh Central Catholic for many years. I still speak with him on the phone from time to time.

I will certainly say the prayer for all Brothers, living and deceased, on May 1st [and on other days as well].

Jesus, living in our hearts forever,

Jim McMonagle

As I graduate of La Salle University, I am grateful to the numerous brothers who taught on staff during my years at the “college”, 1972 –1976.

Kathy Hammeke

My brother, Br. Stephen Creagh, died last June, but was a tremendous influence on my life, teaching me to read at 4, and remaining as my best friend all his life. He taught hundreds of students on Africa for over 30 years, and touched the lives of all he met. There will be a memorial Mass in Narragansett on June 8, the anniversary of his death.

Jean Devlin

Many of the Brothers who impacted my life are sadly deceased. They nursed my vocation as a science teacher where I have in turn taught young people for more than 50 years. The last 15 years at Calvert Hall as full time faculty. Now 4 more as a sub and volunteer.

John Foertsch, Class of 1960 at CHC

Happy De La Salle Christian Brother’s Day to all this coming Wednesday!

Manhattan College graduate, class ‘74
Martin Walsh

In memory of Chip Echelmeier and in Thanksgiving for all the De La Salle Brothers at LaSalle College in the late 1970’s… what I learned in the classroom and what I learned watching how you live your lives continues to shape how I live my life.

Michele Anthony, M.D.
LaSalle College 1979


John JOSEPH Stapleton, CTO
Coast to Coast Consultants StapleVision LLC

I’ve worked with numerous brothers at St. Ray’s and had the opportunity to have them in my life early. Brother Thomas Moran, Br. Luke Mc Cann, (who went on to be a priest). St. Ray’s was my home and still is in my mind. I was the first kindergarten class in the new building. Many brothers whom I had the pleasure to know made me feel I was amongst them as well. Single now as always and giving time to education was a pleasure with them. Too many brothers to mention but I am sure they are always in my heart and prayers. Each day of my retired life begins with St. John Baptist de La Salle, pray for us and Live Jesus in our hearts St. Ray’s High School will never have that opportunity again. Listening is a key to successes. Somehow and some where there was a separation after 153 years of dedicated service to St. Ray’s. As you can note that I am still upset they no longer have an impact on many fine young men. Nor will they have a graduation a reminder that you are a brother’s boy. I could go on and on but I will end here and say that I am happy to respond to you. Give my best to all the brothers who serve de la Salle.

Brother Frank Byrne and Brother Richard Galvin are two I meant to mention as well as I worked with both.

Robert Heckmann

Please convey my heartfelt gratitude for all that the Christian Brothers have done for me.

Douglas Blaine

Collectively all the Brothers of the Christian Schools have had an immeasurable impact on my life and that of my family. The Brothers at CBA Albany in Junior High and then in High school saw me through the awkward years of adolescence with great forbearance. 30 years of work life was spent shoulder to shoulder with the best of the best caring for young boys and men in a child care setting called La Salle School in Albany, NY. We carried out to the our fullest the belief of the founder about “touching the hearts” of your charges in order to effect true change. Of course in the doing I myself was transformed without realization for which I will be forever grateful.

Thank you, and rest assure this prayer and many others accompany my small message.

W. Brian Barr, AFSC

I will pray for the Brothers on May 1 in honor of Religious Brothers Day. There are so many Brothers I would like to mention.

I will start with the Brothers of Saint Anselm Hall. They have devoted their lives to teaching and mentoring young men from the example set by St. John Baptist de la Salle. In active retirement, they continue to touch the hearts and lives of others. There is one guy there who I am particularly fond of, my brother, Kevin Stanton. (I will be sure to send him a personal greeting! )It’s fitting that we are honoring these men on May 1. In addition to it being St. Joseph the Worker’s Day, it was also my mom’s birthday. Her strong faith and family values inspired my brother in his mission to serve others.
I would like to pray for the Brothers in the LSCHS community who taught my sons when they were in high school. Some are no longer there and some have passed away, but a special mention to Br. Bill DiPasquale, who resides there.

Other Brothers I wish to remember are Br. Tim Ahern, my former neighbor and life-long friend; Br. Ed Gallagher, Ammendale; Br. Colman Coogin, AND the one who leads and inspires them all, Superior General, Br. Bob Schieler. I pray for his full recovery and blessings for his mission doing God’s holy work.

Judy Stanton Ahern

I am grateful to all the Brothers who taught me at Calvert Hall. They were four special years in my life and I have fond memories of The Hall. May the Lord keep you safe and close to HIs sacred heart.

Joe Gorman

We will join with you in praying for our Christian Brothers. You are all a gift to the Church and for all the young people in your care.

God bless you, Dot and Paul Clark

For all the Christian Brothers who taught at St. Peter’s High Staten Island 1962-1966. May those who have died rest on the peace of Christ.

W. McGurrin


God of mercy and compassion,
thank you for the extraordinary life, witness, and ministry
of Religious Brothers in our Church.

In your wisdom, you have called these ordinary men
to generously serve, pray,
and share your healing love with others.

As we prepare for our annual Religious Brothers Day,
deepen our appreciation for the vocation
of Religious Brothers, their congregational charisms,
and their commitment to vowed community life.

Strengthened by our baptismal call to holiness,
inspire us to invite men
to consider religious life as a Religious Brother.

Grant all Religious Brothers the grace and perseverance
they need to proclaim your Holy Word
for the life of our Church and our world.


The 3rd annual Religious Brothers Day will be celebrated on May 1, 2019. Religious Brothers Day is a recognition and celebration of the gift of the vocation of religious brotherhood. Members of the Church are invited to “shed light on the identity of the Religious Brother and the value and necessity of this vocation.”

The 48th annual Religious Brothers’ Conference Summer Assembly will be held July 15-18, 2019 at the Oblate Renewal Center, San Antonio, Texas. The featured presenter will be Brother Armand Alcazar, FSC, theology professor at Lewis University and member of the Saint Mary’s Press research team.

The Religious Brothers Symposium 2020 will take place April 4, 2020 at Boston College. The keynote speaker will be Brother Guy Consolmagno, SJ, director of the Vatican Observatory and president of the Vatican Observatory Foundation.

A new website – –  has been launched.  The site features events, news, profiles for and about Religious Brothers, and links to community websites.

Ideas for celebrating:

  • Community Prayer focused on the vocation of Brother.
  • Sharing of vocation stories with communities, colleagues, students.
  • Grace before meals focused on giving thanks for this special vocation.
  • A special meal in honor of the day and the vocation of Brother.
  • Prayer for Religious Brothers Day read over the PA or TV at the beginning of the day on May 1.
  • Ask a Brother(s) to share his/their vocation story in morning announcements or in Religion classes on May 1.



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