Lincroft, NJ – It was a joyous occasion for Christian Brothers of the District as well as family and friends, as four young men deepened their commitments to the Institute of the Brother of the Christian Schools on Saturday, August 5, 2017, during the Jubilarian Mass. Brothers Paul Cillo, Paul Avvento, Steven Barbaro, and David Deradoorian, each in various levels of discernment, committed themselves to the mission for another year.
Paul Cillo, a Contact who has been living in the Brothers’ Community and teaching at La Salle Academy, New York City, made First Promises, officially being accepted as a Postulant of the District. He will continue his work and discernment to the Brothers’ life in New York this year.
Brothers Paul Avvento and Steven Barbaro, professed First Vows, received the robe and rabatta of the Institute, and have entered the Novitiate in Chicago. The Lasallian Region of North America (RELAN) Novitiate is an intense year of discernment in which our young Brothers join three others to deepen their knowledge and faith of the Lasallian mission and the life of the Brothers, with the guidance of their Community and Spiritual Directors.
David Deradoorian, renewed his annual vows, alongside Brother Jubilarians. As a young Brother in initial formation, David renews his vows yearly, as he nears Perpetual Profession, like all permanent members of the Institute. He was joined by eight Brother Jubilarians with 485 collective years of service to the Lasallian mission.
Many blessing to our young Brothers, and all our Brothers as they continue to answer God’s call!
- Paul Cillo formally asks Br. Richard Buccina, Director of Jeremy House, for acceptance into the Postulancy Program.
- The Brothers’ Habit, presented to Paul Avvento and Steven Barbaro, as they enter into the Novitiate.
- Paul signs the Brothers’ Vow formula, signaling his commitment to this next year in the Novitiate.
- Br. Dennis Malloy, as one of his most important acts as Visitor, witnesses, and co-signs the First Vows, here for Br. Steven.
- Br. David renews his First Vows, along with the Brother Jubilarians renewing their Perpetual Vows.
- Our young Brothers…
- …in prayer.
- Manhattan College proud – Brothers Richard Galvin (l) and Thomas Casey, flank Novice Brother Paul, all proud Manhattan College alum.
- The young Brothers are all smiles…
- …and then some.
- Our Contacts, young men considering the Brothers life, were also on hand for the festivities.
For even more photos, click here >
A reflection by Novice, Brother Paul Avvento, FSC
There is a calm that I feel, one that is most unexpected. In transitioning from my previous job, to saying goodbye to family, to preparing to receive the Habit the overriding emotion that I felt was business, and a feeling of being overwhelmed. When I actually woke up on time for the ceremony, all of that was gone. There are many reasons why this might be true, but I tend to believe it is because I am finally in the place where God called me to be. What is there to worry about? The support and prayers of the Brothers are like spiritual guardians. The example they have set for me these past 14 years is a better guide than any I can think to create. The Brothers entrusted with our formation are held in the highest regard by those that know them.
This year of discernment, prayer, reflection and formation is something I need. Something my soul needs. There is a profound difference between doing God’s work, and being who God called us to be. That is what I hope to learn this year. Who is God calling me to be, and how is He calling me to live? Which habits, or tendencies do I need to strengthen? Which do I need to form? And which do I need to move away from? How does the spirit of La Salle, and the great Brothers who have paved the way for us effect not just my pedagogy or my work in a building, but how does it become who I am, and how I live? Where do the paths of the Gospel and the charism of La Salle intrinsically live within me in the year 2017?
I am not naïve enough to expect that I will have all of these answers in July. I can only pray that I will be further along on my journey, and more intune to God’s calling in my life than I was before entering. I know this will be the case. Not because of anything I am able to do, but because of the example, support, and nourishment I have been blessed to receive from the many great mentors, and Brothers, in the truest sense, around the region.