Historic Baltimore District

Mutien-MarieMutien Marie Beatification Review Begins

On July 7, a Vatican commission began an examination with the view to the beatification of Brother Mutien Marie, who died in Belgium in 1917.

St. La Salle Auxiliary Bulletin (Ammendale), September 1936, pp. 10-11.

Pope Pius: X Changes Date on IX

The month of July historically is consecrated to the Precious Blood of our Savior which was shed during his Passion. Pope Pius IX instructed that this remembrance be observed in the Catholic world on the first Sunday of July to thank God for delivering the Papacy from persecution. Pope Pius X changed the date of this remembrance to July 1.

St. La Salle Auxiliary Bulletin (Ammendale), June 1936, p. 58.

30 Brothers Slain During Spanish Civil War

In August, a Rome newspaper reported the recent murder of 30 Christian Brothers at the hands of the Loyalists in Spain thus far in that civil war-plagued country.

St. La Salle Auxiliary Bulletin (Ammendale), September 1936, pp. 5-7.

8.2 – Feast of Our Lady of Angels

August 2 is the feast of Our Lady of the Angels. On that day, highly favorable indulgences would be granted to the faithful who, after confession and Holy Communion, visit a designated church to which the privilege has been granted, and pray for the intention of the Pope. They would then receive a plenary indulgence for each visit made between noon of August 1 and midnight of August 2.

St. La Salle Auxiliary Bulletin (Ammendale), June 1936, pp. 58-59.

Brothers Receive Diplomas

During June, La Salle College will confer the bachelor’s degree to 16 young Brothers, and the University of Pennsylvania will award the Master’s degree to 2 Brothers.

St. La Salle Auxiliary Bulletin (Ammendale), June 1936 p. 66.

Honorary Degrees from La Salle College

On June 10 at its annual Commencement, La Salle College gave Honorary Degrees to Rev. Joseph Noonan, C.M., President of Niagara University and former student at La Salle, and also to Dr. Harry Cochran, Dean of the School of Commerce at Temple University.

Chronicle of the Christian Brothers at La Salle (Phila.), p. 16

72 Graduate La Salle College High

On June 12, La Salle College High School graduated 72 Seniors. Deputy Coroner Vincent Moranz, Esq. (Class of 1920) was the guest speaker.

Chronicle of the Christian Brother at La Salle (Phila.), p. 16

Brother Works 30+ Years at Calvert Hall

Brother Arsenius Peter (Devenny) died in June. He served as the Director of St. Anne’s School and St. Charles School (both Philadelphia), and worked over thirty years at Calvert Hall in Baltimore.

St. La Salle Auxiliary Bulletin (Ammendale), September 1936 pp 7-8.

Benilde Academy Closes

Closing in June was Benilde Academy, located within the high school building (today’s Wister Hall) on the campus of La Salle College. This academy comprised a relatively small number of upper elementary grades of boys, and it was phased out because of the lack of space.

Chronicle of the Christian Brothers at La Salle (Phila.), p. 16

Historic New York District

DLS College Brother Dies

Brother Acisclus Michael (Naughter) died on July 9 at the age of 84. After teaching in several schools in or near New York State, he was called to Paris in the early 1900s in order to prepare to work in Singapore, which he did for twelve years and where he directed the large Brothers’ school (St. Joseph’s College). He returned to the New York District, but was reassigned to India and to Manila (Philippines) where he built up and organized De La Salle College.

8.5 – Feast of Our Lady of Snows

Most Catholics have heard of “Our Lady of the Snows” before, but few know the history behind its feast, each August 5. A legend relates that a rich Roman nobleman and his wife wished to honor Mary with their fortune. Seeking a sign that this could and should be done during the hot Roman summer, a portion of ground near Rome was covered in snow, and a church was later built on the site to remember Our Lady of the Snows.

St. La Salle Auxiliary Bulletin (Barrytown), June 1936, p. 50.

Bulletin Covers Murders of Spanish Brothers

The St. La Salle Auxiliary Bulletin (Barrytown) of September 1936 (p. 1) gave additional coverage of the recent massacre (probably August) of Christian Brothers in Spain. 22 Spanish Brothers were killed in 1936, in addition to the 8 Spanish Brothers from Turon in 1934.

23 Perpetual Professions

On August 29, 23 young men made their perpetual profession at St. Joseph’s Chapel in Barrytown. The ceremony was at the close of the 30-day retreat, directed by Brother Cornelius Luke.

St. La Salle Auxiliary Bulletin (Barrytown), September 1936, p. 2.

Brothers Retreat, Novices Move Temporarily

The young Brothers who made their 30-day retreat at Barrytown lived in the quarters of the Junior Novitiate. Thus, the Junior Novices were temporarily relocated for three weeks during August at the Hillside School in Troy (NY). There they enjoyed outings to St. Joseph’s Camp on the shores of Crooked Lake. Then, for 12 days they were the guests of Manhattan College where they visited their friends and families and made trips to the Zoo, Coney Island, and a Yankees game.

St. La Salle Auxiliary Bulletin (Barrytown), September 1936, pp. 14, 16.

Brother Romuald Suprise Guest at Oakdale

At the annual retreat of the New York District at Oakdale (Long Island), Brother Romuald, Visitor-General of North America, was a surprise guest on August 10. Brother Romuald was on his way to Barrytown to make his canonical visitation of the houses of formation there.

St. La Salle Auxiliary Bulletin (Barrytown), September 1936, p. 15.

25 Years for DLS College, Manila

Interestingly, the Bulletin des Ecoles Chretiennes saluted the 25th anniversary of De La Salle College in Manila with an 11-page French-language article and 14 photos, one of which is of Brother Acisclus Michael.

(October 1936, pp. 360-370)

Catholic U. Awards 20 Brothers’ Degrees

During June, Catholic University will award 18 Bachelor’s degrees, 1 Master’s degrees, and one Ph.D. to Christian Brothers. These Brothers are members of either the Baltimore or the New York Districts.

St. La Salle Auxiliary Bulletin (Ammendale), June 1936, p. 66.

75 Years for St. Joe’s Collegiate

The 75th Anniversary (1861-1936) of St. Joseph’s Collegiate Institute (Buffalo) was celebrated on June 11. The day started with the 9 a.m. Pontifical Mass at St. Joseph’s Cathedral, near the site of the original school, and Monsignor Rengel who attended the school in the 1880s gave the Jubilee sermon. That night, at the Statler Hotel, 500 loyal and grateful friends and alums paid tribute to St. Joseph’s.

St. La Salle Auxiliary Bulletin (Barrytown), September 1936, pp 3-5 and 9.

19 Student Brothers Graduate DLS College

A photo of 19 smiling and graduating Student Brothers from De La Salle College (D.C.) appeared in the St. La Salle Auxiliary Bulletin (Barrytown), September 1936. Most of these Brothers were from the New York District, but four were from the Baltimore District.

Historic Toronto District

Brothers from Other Communities Come In

Around the beginning of July, a number of Brothers from outside communities arrived in Toronto for courses. Brother Vincent (Director of Windsor) was placed in charge of the house. Despite the hot temperatures which set records, the Brothers worked diligently.

Annals of the Brothers in the Toronto Area, p. 182.

oaklandsFirst Brother at Oaklands

On July 18, Brothers Sigismund Alfred and S. Arnold became the first Brothers to live at the new De La Salle “Oaklands” property.

Annals of De La Salle “Oaklands,” p. 21.

Hottest Day on Record

On July 8, the hottest day on record was registered in downtown Toronto at 104.1 degrees. It was about 100 degrees on the property of St. John’s Industrial School (Toronto). As of July 15, the community numbers 16. On that same day, the gardens were watered at 10 p.m.; it was the first time in several days that they were watered because of the threatened water shortage. On July 23, it rained for the first time in 24 days.

Annals of the St. John’s Industrial School, pp. 161-162

5 Brothers Receive Bachelor’s Degree

At the convocation of the University of Toronto on June 5, no fewer than five Brothers received the bachelor’s degree.

Annals of the Brothers of the Toronto Area, p. 182.

DLS College Property Search

In late 1930 and early 1931, Brother Sigismund Alfred was charged with the task of searching for a suitable property on which to relocate De La Salle College (Toronto). In early June he learned that the fourteen-acre “McCormick Estate” [“Oaklands”] on “Avenue Road Hill” was for sale. The McCormick family was asking for $350,000 (Canadian) for the estate, but Brother Alfred was so impressed by the place that he decided to launch at once the fund-raising. This quick action, and the offer of a $200,000 cash payment, secured the property for the Brothers. If they hadn’t, the Toronto Board of Education probably would have obtained the property for a school themselves.

Annals of De La Salle “Oaklands,” pp. 5-8

Father Reeves Arrives for Mass

On June 8, Father Reeves of “the China Mission Seminary” came for the 7AM Mass. He will remain during the absence of Father Quinlan. Also, Brother Bermund turned 82 years old on June 14.

Annals of the St. John’s Industrial School (Toronto), p. 161.

Brother Abban Philip Visits Houses of Toronto

At some point in the summer of 1936, the houses of Toronto were visited by Brother Abban Philip, the Assistant Superior General who was in charge of the United States schools and communities. He was substituting this visitation for Brother Marcellus, the Assistant Superior General for Canada.

Annals of the Brothers in the Toronto Area, p. 182.

Enrollment to Oaklands Opening

Brother Sigismund Alfred, the founding Director of the De La Salle “Oaklands” property, tended to the many details in converting the mansion into a school. Brother S. Arnold spent the entire summer to visit families of incoming students to encourage these boys to enroll at “Oaklands.” So successful was this appeal that 150 boys had to be turned away. A “Linen Shower” was held among many interested Catholic women of Toronto on August 18, and all of the linen and vestments needed for the house and chapel was obtained. Even a piano and a Victrola (record-player) was donated. Archbishop McNeil presided at the blessing and dedication of the new property on Sunday, August 30, and a commemorative plaque was unveiled on the main staircase. An eloquent sermon was delivered by Rev. Michael Cline who spoke from the northern gallery to the assemblage who gathered on the lawns and under the trees.

Annals of De La Salle “Oaklands,” p. 21-25

Brother Abban Philip Visits School

On August 3, a civic holiday, Brother Abban Philip (Assistant Superior General), visited St. John’s Industrial School (Toronto) and was impressed by the cleanliness of the school. On August 10, the school physician for 40 years (Dr. P. J. Brown) died at his home.

Annals of St. John’s Industrial School (Toronto), p. 163.