Riverdale, NY – The virtual format may have been new, but the levels of competition and audience interest were as high as ever on April 16, when the O’Malley School of Business hosted its annual Innovation Challenge on Facebook Live. Living up to its name in both content and presentation, the contest between eight student teams showcased the rigor and collaboration that are Manhattan College hallmarks.

In what Donald Gibson, dean of the O’Malley School of Business and host of the event, termed “Shark Tank, Manhattan style,” budding entrepreneurs from the business school and School of Engineering pitched their business ideas to a panel of alumni, friend and faculty judges for prizes totaling $6,500 in startup cash. Via webcam technology, each team member was allotted screen time to discuss their idea and show presentation slides, as well as answer questions from the judges. Meanwhile, Facebook Live viewers from as far away as France contributed a steady stream of likes and supportive comments.

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