Come and See 2016 continued with a full day at the MIAS (Maryknoll Institute of African Studies) program at Tangaza College, a Catholic University. This program is academically affiliated with Saint Mary’s University, MN. The morning was spent in a series of lectures presented by Professor Douglas Waruta. The lectures focused on African spirituality and culture.

The afternoon was spent in a field experience interviewing a Kenyan Xaverian Brother who does ministry with Street Kids, the majority who are HIV+. It was very inspiring to hear of Brother’s work with these children who truly are the “last, the lost, and the least”.

Our second interview was with Pastor John, who is the Pastor of an Evangelical/Pentecostal church in Kibera. Kibera is the largest urban slum in Africa. We had a very interesting conversation regarding his thoughts on traditional African spirituality and healing and his Christian faith. As a Kenyan Pastor, the members of his congregation would no doubt remain close to their village roots. This cultural closeness can sometimes clash with the evangelical faith of his church. The work that Pastor John conducts in Kibera is lifesaving by providing education and a food program to over 150 children ages three to fourteen.

This day at MIAS has provided significant insight into the African culture and spirituality that we are encountering. Yes, it is just a glimpse but a glimpse that provides a glimmer of insight and understanding.

Tomorrow, we leave for upcountry! Keep us in your prayers for safe travel.