LYA Gen H Hands Group Photo

generation-h-hope-home-slidePhiladelphia, PA – Moved by the presentation regarding the plight of children and teens fleeing the violence in their home countries in Central America and now caught in a horrific situation at the US border, the student writing committee worked diligently the evening before to craft a statement of support for the efforts being made to assist the refugee children and to call upon Lasallians in the United States to respond to this humanitarian crisis. The student committee reported on their work, and the initial statement created. Opened up to the rest of the Youth Assembly, in a Forum style setting, with school groups discussing possible changes and edits, and sending a representative on the group’s behalf to suggest the idea to the larger assembly. Some good discussions ensued, and the work of the committee, and assembly is a work in progress.



Following the annual group photo, student groups left the University campus to explore the city. The day concluded with social hosted by West Catholic Preparatory High School’s students and staff, right next door to the campus at the Enterprise Center, the original home of American Bandstand hosted by Dick Clark. Students enjoyed Philadelphia fair including cheese steaks, pretzels, Tastykake treats, and Philadelphia water ice. Students learned about the history of American Bandstand and its role in popular music and impact on society. Students were also treated to the golden oldies of American Bandstand, and danced the night away. Unfortunately, all good things come to an end, and as the evening came to close, Lasallian Youth Assembly participants said their goodbyes and exchanged contacts, now knowing many new Lasallians across the District, and the globe!

LYA Group photo