Dear Lasallians,

This issue is reaching you around Election Day 2020. I hope and pray that all eligible voters will have had the opportunity to cast their ballots and that each and every vote will be counted fairly.

What a year! So far in 2020, we have been immersed in a global pandemic; we have seen heightened attention to racial justice; and there have been devastating natural disasters throughout the country.

Over these weeks, tensions have mounted in acrimonious debates, over policies, mail-in ballots, the Supreme Court opening, and so much more. Many in the USA have very strong views on both sides about this election. When one is as passionate as so many are, I wonder how we can maintain our strong beliefs and still meaningfully and civilly engage people with a different point of view. Might this be our Lasallian calling in this moment?

I welcome your suggestions as to how to respectfully navigate such dialogue. Please share your insights with me (my email is below) for my learning. (I will try to pass them along to you in our next issue.) I am mindful that this extraordinary divide may not be quickly healed, no matter who is proclaimed the victor in the election.

Within DENA, our ministries continue to do remarkable work in keeping students safe, engaged, and healthy. Learning and community are experienced daily throughout our ministries, where administrators (together with faculty and staff ) are prepared to pivot as need be while this pandemic continues.

Recently, our Superior General, Br. Bob Schieler, shared the words of the UN Secretary General who wrote, “It is more important than ever to work for a culture of peace, as the essential foundation for global cooperation and action.” Our ministries are promoting a culture of peace. Let us all pray constantly for God’s peace to reign in our hearts, our country, and our world. Respectfully,


Br. Dennis Lee, FSC
