Dear Friends of the Lasallian Educational Mission,
“Thus says the Lord the God of hosts:
Woe to the complacent in Zion!” (Amos 6:1)
These words from the Prophet Amos really pack a punch! The message is clear, God does not need or want bystanders. Amos was challenging the people of Judah to not ignore the plight of those in great need. But his inspired words challenge us as well.
Saint John Baptist de La Salle could never be described as complacent! For forty years he worked tirelessly to develop an educational program that would serve the needs of individuals, students, and families, while at the same time building up citizens who would contribute to society. The intellectual and vocational training of the children coupled with religious and moral formation would help to ensure God’s “kingdom come on earth as it is in heaven.”
Through the generous support of countless people over the years, the Saint John Baptist de La Salle Fund enables us to continue to provide the necessary support for students and families from ordinary means to have access to quality Catholic education and accompaniment. Today, like at the time of De La Salle, quality faith-based education and accompaniment makes a significant and positive impact on our country.
In his Meditation for the Time of Retreat entitled, “How in the education of youth the function of the Guardian Angels is fulfilled”, De La Salle observes that the Guardian Angels and the Brothers and Lasallian educators must not only teach their students the basics of the faith, but must “help them lead a life worthy of God” so that they “might produce good works of every sort.” That right there sums up the purpose of Lasallian Catholic education, to help our students live “a life worthy of God.” Your support of the Saint John Baptist de La Salle Fund helps bring that mission to life for many of the economically disadvantaged students entrusted to the care of our schools and educational centers.
The Lasallian community is not complacent when it comes to providing a quality education and your continued support helps us achieve our mission.
Live Jesus in our hearts! Forever!
Br. Robert Schaefer, FSC