Dear Friends,
In this issue of Lasallian Notes, we are very pleased to share with you our renewed Vocation Ministry program for the District. Vocation Ministry comprises four important pillars: promotion of the De La Salle Brothers’ vocation, invitation to consider our vocation, accompaniment, and discernment. These are the areas that Br. Paul Avvento, FSC, with other Brothers and Lasallian partners, will be developing in the months and years ahead.
We Brothers believe that the need for our Institute is great. Young people, the Church and the world still need the witness and service of the Brothers. We are committing precious resources to this work—financial and human resources—with the belief that God is still calling men to this special way of life. I am very grateful to Br. Paul for taking on the role of District Director of Vocation Ministry at this challenging time. His creativity, energy, and deep faith have already impacted his new ministry!
Our vocation is a joyful and fulfilling one and we are always happy to encourage young men to consider joining our Brotherhood. The formation process is a gradual one that allows candidates to discover more about the Brothers’ life through various experiences such as retreats, come-and-see events, and service immersion programs. In our noisy and hectic world, it is often a challenge for young people to stop and slow down to consider how God is calling them. Our vocation program hopes to provide such opportunities.
I humbly ask you to pray for an increase of vocations to the Brothers of the Christian Schools. The longtime tradition in the Institute is to set aside the 25th of each month to pray particularly for vocations to our Institute. This tradition continues throughout the worldwide Lasallian family. I also ask you to consider a gift to support our vocation ministry efforts. With your support we can expand our efforts to share the legacy of John Baptist de La Salle well into the future. Together let us pray that the Lord of the harvest sends workers into the vineyard.
Live Jesus in our hearts! Forever!
Br. Robert Schaefer, FSC