Saint Raphael Academy celebrates Catholic School Week with a focus on the Rights of the Child

2/4/2011 – Pawtucket, RI – Saint Raphael Academy celebrated Catholic School Week with a focus on the United Nations Convocation on the Rights of the Child. The week, which started on Monday January 31st, began with a school wide Mass that celebrated the richness of a Catholic-Lasallian education. Members of Lasallian Youth spoke before mass to the filled church about the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child and how it is a flagship cause of the Institute of the Brothers of the Christian Schools and our Lasallian educational mission. Students composed morning prayers for the community and distributed treats to all as a reminder of the joy and hope that childhood should signify.

Saint Raphael Academy hosted Mr. Jimmie Briggs, award winning international journalist, author and activist who addressed the school regarding the Man Up Campaign and the Rights of the Child. His book on child soldiers and war affected children, Innocents Lost: When Child Soldiers Go to War won him accolades in 2005. Mr. Briggs addressed the UN Lasallian Convocation on the Rights of the Child held at the United Nations in April of 2010. Students and faculty from Saint Raphael Academy attended the UN Convocation on the Rights of the Child and were very impressed with Mr. Briggs and his message

The choice to focus on the Rights of the Child as the theme of Catholic School Week is explained by President-Principal, Mrs. Maryann Donohue-Lynch.

“We have placed the celebration of Catholic School Week within the context of the Academy’s year long Character-Building Program. The CBP provides the opportunity for the entire SAINTS community to study and explore issues of character and leadership. Mr. Briggs’ presentation added a new dimension to the conversation. Our students know that the culture of Saint Raphael Academy is one of reverence, respect and right relationships. Our mission of attending to the individual student allows us to place issues of the youth culture within the context of our Catholic-Lasallian identity. In that respect we are not dealing with a limited “anti” approach. At Saint Raphael Academy, excellence is not measured only by success in the classroom or in athletic competition, more importantly; it is measured by excellence of character. We are honored to have Mr. Briggs bring his challenging message to us.”