Br. Brian Henderson, FSC

Br. Brian Henderson, FSC

“Brother Brian Henderson is beginning a new ministry which will formalize what he has done so well informally the past twenty-four years”

Eatontown, NJ – Br. Dennis Malloy, FSC, Visitor for the District of Eastern North America, has officially announced Br. Brian Henderson, FSC, and his new ministry with DENA.

After twenty-four years in leadership at St. Francis High School in Baltimore and at Saint Gabriel’s Hall outside of Philadelphia, Brother Brian Henderson is beginning a new ministry which will formalize what he has done so well informally the past twenty-four years – accompanying young Lasallians on their journey of faith and service to the Lasallian mission.

Two of the top priorities, consistently identified at General Chapters and more recently at International Mission Assemblies, for the future of the Lasallian mission are the need for formation and for accompaniment.  With fewer Brothers in our ministries and with the first waves of retirement of “first generation” Lasallians, the need to strengthen support for the formation and accompaniment of our youngest Lasallians is imperative if we are to ensure the vitality of the Lasallian mission and charism in our ministries and District.

Brian’s new ministry, the Accompaniment of Young Lasallian Professionals, is not a newly created position for the District but a re-casting of a current position in service to the promotion of the Brothers’ vocation.

Core aspects of the position are as follows:

Role:  Animate, connect, accompany, form and empower for a deeper reflection and greater experience of faith, service and community.
Target:  Young women and men active in our ministries up to the age of 40 … includes Young Brothers, Lasallian Volunteers & Young Lasallians.
Rationale:  Prepare the “next generation” of Lasallians.
Goal:  Strengthen and secure the Lasallian mission and charism in our ministries.
Logistics:  Identify target ministries for this year and enlist support of ministry leadership.
Objectives:   Three CORE Objectives for DENA Young Lasallian Professionals:

Association:  Belonging to DENA/RELAN/Institute; Participating in Associative Geographic Groups (PALM, RILAG, LAMM, LAAST)*; Participating in Lasallian Youth and Lasallian Collegians; Introduction to International Young Lasallian Movement; Strengthening their ownership for Lasallian mission, charism, and spirituality.
Evangelization:  Encouraging their commitment for announcing the Gospel, for promoting the Lasallian mission, charism and spirituality; and, for deepening their commitment to our educational service with the economically poor.
Vocation Promotion:  Awakening, calling and accompanying ALL vocations within the Lasallian Family with strategic concern for the promotion of the Brothers vocation; promoting a Culture of Vocations across our ministries.

Please pray for Brian and for God’s blessings on this new District ministry, and welcome him as he makes his way around the District!