St. Joseph’s Collegiate Institute – Buffalo

Each year, St. Joe’s conducts their annual food drive. The numbers raised are staggering, and fill a great need.

La Salle Academy – Providence

Daily prayer over the PA and posted to the school blog has highlighted the various aspects of Advent as have the thoughtful videos provided by Religion teacher Edward Sirois posted each week on the school website.

As a full school, homerooms participated in the annual Adopt-a-Family program. Through the organization of the SOCIAL CONCERNS COMMITTEE one hundred thirty-three children and parents in 44 families, from multiple agencies, were provided with hundreds of generous gifts. In addition, $2,000 in donations from faculty and staff was collected. Through this generous response the school was able to serve the families of thirteen students in need. A $100 gift card for each family to Price Rite and a $50 gift card to Walmart, Kohl’s or Rainbow Shoppe were provided for each family.

In addition, faculty and students provided the following services:

December 1 – 8 students from La Salle joined Junior Lasallians from San Miguel at Lasalette Shrine with Mrs. Bell and Ms. Naughton

December 5 – 10 students served warm meals with Fr. Najim and Mr. Daly at Cathedral Square Ministries December 10 – 14 students with Fr. Najim, Mrs. Bell, and Ms. Brown decorated a yard and house for an alumnae’s dying grandmother December 13 – 5 students with Ms. Naughton served meals at Amos House. One student reflected: “I had known and read about people who don’t have enough to eat, but it was entirely different to experience it. I went through this and saw the hunger firsthand, and that was powerful. This community service opportunity was really meaningful and moving for me and it gave me great perspective on the society we live in.”

December 15 – 9 students served meals at Maryhouse with Mrs. Hansen

December 16 – 8 students with Mr. Daly hosted a Christmas party for the mothers and children at McAuley Village December 20 – 3 students with Ms. Ducharme served meals at Amos House

Also, La Salle’s TV studio ran a WLSA Gives Back campaign for toys and students participated at lunchtime in the Macy’s Believe Campaign writing hundreds of letters to “Santa” for the “Make-a-Wish” program.

Finally, community spirit was developed during the last week of school with student carolers strolling through the hallways before school and students wearing the “best” Ugly Christmas sweaters on the last day of school.

 St. Raphael Academy

A group of Lasallian Youth students from Saint Raphael Academy visited Darlington Assisted Living on Armistice Blvd. recently, for a Christmas party and Carol Sing.

Students led the residents in singing traditional Christmas Songs and Carols, then served baked goods and favors they had prepared.

Saint Raphael Academy students visit Darlington weekly, throughout the school year. They assist with activities and visit with the residents.

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Students in the photo on the right are (back row, left to right): Zhengliang Lan, Sarah Duffin, Andy Li, Katelyn Coyle, Maureen Doyle, Auston Gillis, Michael D’Ordine, and Jessica DeMelo. (front row, left to right): Emma Mendes, Daniel Arteaga, Ethan Mendes and Emily Darling.


The Saint Raphael Academy community sponsored over 40 families in Pawtucket and Central Falls for the Thanksgiving and Christmas Holidays. Each homeroom and office sponsored a family. Donations came from parents, alumni, students, faculty, staff, Saint Jude’s Parish, and friends of Saint Raphael.

For Christmas, families received groceries and gifts for all family members. Families served were from Tides Family Service, New Hope for Families and families in need in the community. Saint Raphael Academy students delivered the gifts to agencies or homes.

Advent Activities

Students pictured with some of the gifts ready for delivery are: (back row) Kelton Dos Santos, Ethan Mendes, Sam Zalk, Daniel Arteaga, Vanessa Dos Anjos. (Front row): Brittany Giroux, Kamryn LaBree, Cassandra Greco, and Brittany Fontaine.


LAMM St. Nicholas Day

The Young Professionals of Manhattan College invited all members of the Lasallian Association of Metropolitan Ministries (LAMM) to join them as they participated in the annual Saint Nicholas Project sponsored by  Catholic Charities of the the Archdiocese of New York.  This project provides the opportunity to purchase items for families to ensure a Merry Christmas for those in need.

CBA Syracuse

Christian Brothers Academy students were busy spreading holiday cheer the week before Christmas.

On Tuesday, Dec. 16, students in Junior High Lasallian made approximately 70 Christmas cards for six year-old Addie Fausett, a young girl living in Utah with a deadly disease causing atrophy of the brain. The family has been told that she only has a year to live, meaning this will be her last Christmas. She loves receiving mail, so the family has asked for a “lifetime of Christmas cards” for Addie.

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Christian Brothers Academy students in Junior High Lasallian that made holiday cards for a young girl who is terminally ill include front row (l-r): Matthew Walker and Dan St. Phillips.

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Peer Ministers delivered toys to students in the Cab Horse Day Care Program at the Salvation Army and visited with senior citizens, who also received gifts on Wednesday, Dec. 17. The children were thrilled to see Santa Claus (senior John Phillips). The senior citizens also helped out, by distributing some of the gifts to the young children.

Students in homerooms were asked to collect gifts as part of this year’s Advent Project.