Audubon, PA – After 122 years of service to youth and families most in need throughout Philadelphia and the surrounding area, St. Gabriel’s System (SGS) closes its doors December 1, 2020.

The Archdiocese of Philadelphia and Catholic Social Services made the decision to shutter St. Gabriels’ Hall, the Mitchell Program, Reintegrations Services, and De La Salle Vocational in September of this year, as residential and delinquent youth placements have dwindled over the past few years. With the onset of the COVID-19 health emergency, declining child welfare trends and financial constraints were exacerbated, leaving the Archdiocese with the hard choice to close these vital programs.

For the more than 180 Lasallians employed in these Youth and Family Services programs, the transition to other programs for the young men entrusted to their care has been their top priority, in partnership with the Archdiocese.

“The decision to close Saint Gabriel’s System is one that causes great sadness and anxiety for many, myself included,” Dr. James J. Black, Director of the Youth Services Division of Catholic Social Services, and longtime Lasallian recently said.  “This wonderful Lasallian ministry has been serving court adjudicated youth, ‘the least, the last and the lost,’ for over 122 years, and its closing represents a tremendous loss, not only for the youth who are present there today and who will be leaving shortly, but also for the community at large and the countless youth of future generations who will never receive its benefits.

Quamiir Trice (left) and student Sherman Jones

Photo by Gina Christian –

“The closure of these storied institutions is a tremendous loss for our Lasallian youth and family outreach and educational mission in the Philadelphia area, and for young people at the margins who would have continued to benefit from these programs,” said Brother Dennis Lee, FSC, Visitor of the Brothers of the Christian Schools District of Eastern North America. “It is our Lasallian charism and pedagogy that has been at the heart of St. Gabriel’s System when the Hall was established in 1898 as the Philadelphia Protectory for Boys. Tens of thousands of young lives have been changed for the better thanks to the Christian Brothers and Lasallian Partners who have dedicated themselves to providing a ‘human and Christian education to the young, especially the poor.'”

“Those who understand trauma and trauma-informed care realize that, for many young people, St. Gabes represented a much-needed place of healing, nurturance and growth—a sanctuary from the violence, pain and loss that they experienced, often chronically and daily,” added Dr. Black. “It is not an exaggeration to say that tens of thousands of young men have experienced the curative, educative and restorative nature of SGS programs.”

Closing Testimonial from James J. Black, Ph.D.
Director, Youth Services Division

The decision to close Saint Gabriel’s System (SGS, Saint Gabriel’s Hall, De La Salle Vocational, SGS Reintegration Services) is one that causes great sadness and anxiety for many, myself included. This wonderful Lasallian ministry has been serving court adjudicated youth (the “least, the last and the lost”) for over 122 years, and its closing represents a tremendous loss, not only for the youth who are present there today and who will be leaving shortly, but also for the community at large and the countless youth of future generations who will never receive its benefits. Those who understand trauma and trauma-informed care realize that, for many young people, St. Gabes represented a much-needed place of healing, nurturance and growth—a sanctuary from the violence, pain and loss that they experienced, often chronically and daily. It is not an exaggeration to say that tens of thousands of young men have experienced the curative, educative and restorative nature of SGS programs.

What has always made St. Gabes special is the men and women who work there. It has been a great joy and privilege for me, as the nephew of a Christian Brother, as someone who grew up around the Brothers, and as a La Salle University alum, to have been able to work as a psychologist and administrator in this great agency for the past 27 years. I have been blessed to work alongside some of the most committed, dedicated and compassionate men and women I have ever met. They have taught me so much about what it means to be Lasallian. For these men and women, inspired by the charism of Saint John Baptiste De La Salle, the work has always been more than just a job or a paycheck. It has been about the vocation of touching hearts and living a mission that is rooted in the Gospel, together and by association.

To my colleagues, past and present: thank you. And take heart in what we have been able to accomplish, acknowledging the many who came before us, the Brothers and Partners, Volunteers and Benefactors, knowing that we have run the good race, we have fought the good fight, we have kept the faith!

Saint John Baptist De La Salle—Pray for us! Live Jesus in our hearts—Forever!

James J. Black, Ph.D.
Director, Youth Services Division
Catholic Social Services