April 13, 2020

Happy Easter Monday, hoping that you have had a very good, even though socially-distant, celebration of the Paschal Mystery. We begin with the updates on our two Brothers:

Charlie Barbush continues to be on the ventilator at New York Presbyterian, but he continues to show signs of improvement. His condition is stable. Please continue the prayers.

Bob Schieler has sent along this message this morning, “Thank you, Brothers and Lasallians, for the many emails and cards you have sent me. Your prayers are helping my recovery. I am in good hands here at Ammendale. I am receiving great care and support from our nurse Ginny as well as from Marty Zewe and all the Brothers. I am blessed.”

And now here are a few points for your consideration:

Dealing with Anxiety (Part 2). Last night, on 60 Minutes, one of the segments was on “Mental Health and the Coronavirus.” Last week, we shared a video from Saint Luke Institute regarding ways to deal with anxiety during these times. Today, as promised, we are sharing eleven tips for coping with anxiety during this ongoing pandemic. Thanks to Eran Talitman, Ph.D., C.Psych.

Prayer Service. Once again, we are grateful to Lars for sharing a suitable community prayer service that combines Easter and our current world situation.

Sharing Reflections. During this extended uncertain time, we invite any of you who would like to, to share with all of us some of your own insights, reflections and/or inspirations. It could be what you are doing during this crisis or perhaps what this crisis is doing to you. Here is a reflection this morning from Dennis.

YouTube. It is not Alice’s Restaurant, but you can literally get anything you want at YouTube! As you know, you can find music and news, as well as lots of material from our own ministries. However, you can also find all sorts of HOW TO material: How to play a musical instrument; create your own crossword puzzle; make limoncello or other beverage; create your own greeting cards; photoshop pictures; become a gourmet chef (or even just an average cook); do calligraphy. And so much more! But, be forewarned, you may forget about the COVID-19 for some hours!!

You Tell Us. By now, you are aware that we are sending a Monday message. If there is anything that you would like us to attend to, please let us know.

Please stay safe. Stay at home. Stay mindful of others. Stay amazing.


Richard Galvin    Lawrence Goyette    Dennis Lee