New Associate Executive Director Mr. William Gault, pictured center, greeting 7th grade student Matthew S., with Brother Thomas, left, and Ranulfo, right.

Freeport, NY – New Associate Executive Director William L. Gault started the new school year along with the 65 young men from grades 5 through 8 who are students at The De La Salle School.

Mr. Gault arrives with more than 30 years of Catholic educational experience, including 20 years as Assistant Principal and Dean of Discipline at St. Peter’s Boys High School in Staten Island, which, like The De La Salle School, is a Lasallian school. Mr. Gault has taught Religion, English, History, Business Law, Psychology and Health, in addition to being a school administrator. Mr. Gault was also the Executive Director of the Seton Foundation for Learning in Staten Island, which provides comprehensive services for children with special needs and their families.

At The De La Salle School Mr. Gault will work with founding Executive Director Brother Thomas P. Casey, FSC, helping to oversee all aspects of the school, including academics, student affairs, development, and graduate support. Mr. Gault has a B.A. in Theology from St. John’s University, and a Master of Science in Education from St. John’s. He graduated from the Lasallian Leadership Institute, and the Buttimer Institute for Lasallian studies in 2010.

Mr. Gault, who is well known to his former students for his admonition: “Gentlemen, have a nice day; smile: God loves you,” was very impressed with the mission of The De La Salle School when he visited for his interview last spring, and was given a tour by two 8th grade students. “We are truly doing God’s work here,” said Mr. Gault, “it is schools like ours which are the reason St. John Baptist de La Salle founded the Institute and Christian schools for the poor.” After his visit, Mr. Gault said a quick prayer: “Dear Lord, this is the place for me.” About the students, Mr. Gault notes, “The boys here get it, they understand and are grateful for the opportunity that they have been given. That makes our school even more special.”