1/17/13 – San Diego, CA — Recently, six La Salle University students attended the Joint Mathematics Meetings, the world’s largest gathering of mathematicians, in San Diego, Calif. Two of the students made presentations based on research they’ve been conducting at the University.

Senior mathematics majors Kristen Heaney and Amanda Russo were presenters, and the other students who attended were Alex Confer, Georgia Hansen, Katherine Boligitz, and D. Joseph Barron.

Heaney, from Newport News, Va., has been conducting research with Janet Fierson, assistant professor of mathematics, on “Rainbow Coloring and Optimization.” She and Fierson gave a talk at the conference, and Heaney had her research displayed in a poster session.

“I participated in some of the talks related to what I had done in my research and some (panels) designated for teachers. These were informative and interesting and were all very different,” said Heaney, who after graduation will be teaching high school math in Camden, N.J., with Teach For America. “I also went to a panel of mathematicians who work in industry that included a participant who works in finance for Ford Motor Company. This was helpful in learning about careers outside of academia for mathematics majors.”

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