Washington, DC – St. John’s College High School Corps of Cadets held its annual Pass in Review. Serving as Guest of Honor, and inspector of the Regiment, was Brother Thomas Casey, FSC. He reviewed the cadets, marching the length of the field, during the ceremony.
The Pass in Review is the culmination of the Regiment’s year. It begins with an awards ceremony, where students receive medals and honors for academics, service to the Regiment, and leadership. Afterwards, the Regiment goes through a drill presentation. The guest of honor, in this case Br. Thomas, reviews the cadets by marching up and down the field. Then the Regiment passes in review before the reviewing stand, where Br. Thomas and the school administrators, other guests, and award presenters are seated. The Regimental Band provides music for the ceremony. It is attended by parents and family, and the entire SJC student body and faculty.
In April, the Cadet Corps was inspected by the JROTC Program of Accreditation, which reviews all aspects of the program. St. John’s Cadet Corps maintained their status as an Honor Unit with Distinction, having received a score of 95% or higher. This is the 102nd year of the Corps of Cadets at St. John’s College High.