Pittsburgh, PA – Twenty Brother David S. Baginski, FSC, Scholars  and chaperones spent ten days of their summer researching art and religion in Rome, Italy, as part of a mini-course offered by the Baginski Scholars program entitled Art and Religions of Rome. The course, taught by Baginski Scholars Program Directors Mr. John Allen and Dr. Patrizia Costa-Frezza, offered a series of classes held at Central Catholic before the group embarked on their trip abroad.

“I feel as though the boys’ time at Central prepared them well for this trip abroad, said John Allen, Baginski Scholars Program Director. “Among the many highlights of the journey, seeing Brunelleschi’s Duomo in Florence held a special place in the imaginative minds of the students because they had already studied it at great length in their European history classes. It is always such a joy to see young men engaged with history, culture, and the process of discovery.”

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