Students tell their stories of community service, citizenship, and the positive impact they make in their communities

2/9/2011 – Brooklyn, NY- On November 2, 2010, Justice Sandra Day O’Connor visited with NYC students and education leaders at the United Nations to discuss the importance of civic engagement in the 21st Century. Justice O’Connor spoke about iCivics Inc., a non-profit organization she founded to reinvigorate civic teaching and learning.

This event also marked the launch of the Virtue Foundation/iCivics Citizenship, Philanthropy and Digital Storytelling Initiative. This initiative uses classroom curriculum, online games, and digital storytelling to teach children about citizenship, philanthropy, and civic responsibility. “I founded iCivics to inspire the next generation to become active and effective civic participants,” said Justice O’Connor. “The Virtue Foundation/iCivics Digital Storytelling Initiative will provide access to technology, teach citizenship, and help students across the country engage in their communities.”

Ten Bishop Loughlin Memorial High School students attended the UN event, as BLMHS was one of five NYC schools, and the only parochial school, chosen to be pilot sites for this new digital and educational initiative.

Designed to take advantage of 21st Century technology and encourage youth to connect through meaningful topics, the project gives students the opportunity to tell their stories of community service, citizenship, and the positive impact they are making.

Since the UN kick-off, Bishop Loughlin students have been hard at work making videos that tell a personal story of community involvement using the iCivics lessons learned from Justice O’Connor and the Virtue Foundation.


About Virtue Foundation

The Virtue Foundation is a non-profit organization with Special Consultative Status to the United Nations. Its mission is to increase awareness, to inspire action, and to render assistance through healthcare, education and empowerment initiatives. Comprised primarily of volunteers, Virtue Foundation is guided by the principle that true global change must begin within each of us – one person at a time, one act at a time.

About iCivics

iCivics is a web-based education project designed to teach students civics and inspire them to be active participants in our democracy. iCivics is the vision of Justice Sandra Day O’Connor, who is concerned that students are not getting the information and tools they need for civic participation, and that civics teachers need better materials and support.

For full information on the digital initiative please visit Bishop Loughin Memorial High School, iCivics, and Virtue Foundation
information provided by Bishop Loughin Memorial High School, iCivics, and Virtue Foundation