District Council

A New Yorker, born and bred, Carl Malacalza, FSC has been Brother for over 50 CarlMalacalza01years. Br. Carl has spent almost all of his career in the Empire state (there is 11 years in Detroit), as Teacher, Director, President, and presently, he is the Principal at La Salle Institute in Troy. A talented and creative administrator, Br. Carl has a knack for arranging schedules and course offerings so that students can get the most from their education, including earning college credits with La Salle Institute’s neighbor, Hudson Valley Community College. Started in 2009, Br. Carl and the Institute’s administration initiated the program for Junior and Senior students to receive dual high school and college credit for over 20 electives, including Computer Science, Physics and selected Calculus courses. Br. Carl is constantly on the look-out for new educational ideas that enhance La Salle’s programs. Outside the school building, Br. Carl extends himself to all the athletic games where he takes pictures and is a source of encouragement to all the students.

As a Community member, he is truly a Brother to his Brothers, well respected and liked. He is constantly working to make improvements to the physical condition of the Community house. In his spare time (when he has any!) Br. Carl hones his skills in computers, golf, skiing, gardening, photography, and cooking.