Special Projects

Christian Brothers Center – Narragansett, RI

junk-kevinKevin is one of the kindest and most caring persons that I have ever met. He is kind and considerate in so many special and sometimes unique ways. While we worked together at La Salle Academy he became beloved by the many Alumni whose lives he touched by his presence in their lives and his willingness to go the extra mile in being present to them during the difficult times in their lives as well as the celebratory times. Kevin was present through notes and cards that he created and were received by so many Alums and friends.

I first met Kevin during the summer of 1984 when I was assigned to District service and became a member of the Cottage Community. Kevin, a graduate of Marquette University, had recently ended his long and storied career in the United States Navy and became a member of the then LINE District Initial Formation program. I have lived and/or worked with Kevin for close to 15 years and I have lived to talk about it. That’s no small feat if you have lived or worked with Kevin.

Kevin and I attended a function at a Banquet Hall on Goat Island in Newport on a particularly stormy and windy evening. When we headed for our car in darkness and a heavy wind driven rain it was apparent that driving would not be a fun experience. However, Kevin gave it new meaning. As we pulled out of our parking space I mentioned to Kevin, “Have you noticed that it’s raining heavily? You might think of putting on the windshield wipers. And as we crossed the bridge from Goat Island I mentioned, “have you noticed that it is dark out there?” “You might consider turning on the headlights! “ Kevin drove his usual speed and I had a white-knuckle experience never to be forgotten.

I saw how he touched lives as a young Brother both at La Salle and Saint Raphael Academy, teaching English, coaching Tennis and I saw so clearly and evidently his work in the Alumni Office at La Salle. Kevin was frequently at the bedside of Alums during times of illness and final moments. He is the ever-present Brother in full habit at countless wakes and funerals. He has prayed with the dying at their bedside. His love is evident and real. His concern is genuine and heartfelt. So many have commented to me over the years how comforting Kevin’s presence and devotion has meant to them during times of stress and loss. We are all blessed Kevin by your many gifts, kindness and friendship.

-Excerpts from remarks given by Br. Michael McKenery, FSC