
Br. Matthew Moloney, FSC


Given by by Brother Raymond Meagher, FSC
December 11, 2013
Mass of Christian Burial
De La Salle Hall, Lincroft, NJ

“Earnestly ask Jesus Christ to make his Spirit come alive in you, since he has chosen you to do his work.”

Brother Matthew Moloney took to heart, all his life, this important statement from St. John Baptist De La Salle – ask Jesus Christ “to make his ‘Spirit’ come alive in you, since he has chosen YOU to do his work.” Brother Matthew, with the help of the Holy Spirit, DID THAT WORK that he was chosen to do.

Brother Matthew invested himself in becoming all that he could become, as a Brother, a person, and as a professional, so that he could help others become all that they could become. He knew that his “CALLING” challenged him to become more than he thought he could be. He drew on gifts and talents he didn’t know he had, and, as a result, he affected THOUSANDS OF PEOPLE in profound and enduring ways. He “touched hearts, challenged minds, and helped transform lives.” He selflessly helped to complete God’s plan on earth.

He celebrated “LIFE” every single day! Brother Matthew was BLESSED when the Lord placed within him a “Wild Spirit.” This “Wild Spirit” was intensely excited and enthusiastic about living ‘life’ to the fullest and in connecting in meaningful ways with the people God placed in his life. This unique and mysterious force, called a “Wild Spirit”, has certainly been alive and well throughout Brother Matthew’s long life. Every day he has said a big “YES” to living life in positive and powerful ways, and, a big “YES” to sharing his many gifts and talents to make a difference in this world.

He celebrated “LEARNING” every day! He was a life-long learner. He never stopped growing. He dared to think outside of the box, he reflected deeply, he understood people and events, and he listened to others. He was a “RENAISSANCE” Brother – he had a broad range of interests, whose expertise covered a significant number of different subject areas – learning new languages, playing musical instruments, becoming an avid user of the computer, playing wicked games of poker and pinochle, and he had a wonderful ability to “charm” the women in his life.

Brother Matthew was always open to new opportunities and new possibilities. He would always tell me that “we all have had a lot of good OLD days. BUT God has some NEW days for us too.” And he would say “our best days are not behind us – they are still out in front of us.” Every day was a new day for Brother Matthew. He was proud to be the first Brother to ask to come to De La Salle Hall, because he felt he could still make a contribution. He was proud to work with the Mexican migrants in Brother Tom Browne’s program. He was also proud to participate in the recent DENA “Vocation Summit.” He reflected on the reason for the event, prepared his notes, and made some important contributions. He would never say that he was too old to do anything – he continued to step into NEW LEVELS OF HIS DESTINY. Through his presence, he made the world a better place.

Brother Matthew, like the Holy Spirit, was a tireless and encouraging Coach. Let me share a personal example on how that helped me out a great deal. After saying “no” a few times to the Provincial, I was appointed the Principal of St. Raymond’s High School, because no one else would accept the position. After the news was released, I was asked by four of the veteran teachers if I would meet with them. I thought they were thrilled at the appointment, but their ‘not so subtle’ message to me was that if I wanted to stay around, “don’t make any changes.” The previous two Principals lasted one year and two years respectively. My first year was a very difficult year.

Then, the following year, Brother Matthew was assigned to St. Ray’s. I’m still not sure that he was sent there, deliberately, to help me out, because he was a “trouble-shooter” for the New York District on a few occasions. No one ever told me. BUT – help me out he did. He seemed to know where the problems were lurking and helped me to deal with them. He identified the strengths and weaknesses of my various strategies and plans.

During his years at St. Ray’s, I learned that he loved playing the role of a Devil’s advocate. He preferred to address the “elephants” and “tensions” that existed in the school, community, or in relationships. He felt it was important to deal with these “unspoken issues” and to develop appropriate ways to deal with them, instead of ignoring them. He always told me that these “tensions” will not just disappear, but that they will continue to exist, build up, and eventually erupt in ways that can’t be ignored. I deeply appreciated his ability to play this proactive role, but I am sure that over the years he was a major challenge to Administrators and Directors. Brother Matthew was always well-intentioned and empathetic in carrying out this role, because he thought not only with his mind, but with his heart. He contributed greatly to my life as a companion on this challenging journey.

Brother Matthew celebrated the “PEOPLE” in his life everyday! His family was his world – his parents, his precious sisters and brother, cousins, nieces, nephews, grand nieces, and grand nephews. He loved the annual family get-togethers. You all fed his heart. He deeply loved and appreciated all of you! He celebrated and prayed daily for the Brothers he lived with in community. He was very proud to be a member of the De La Salle Christian Brothers for 75+ years. He treasured the friendships he had with the members of our Lasallian family, especially the nurses, doctors, staff members and his social worker here at De La Salle Hall. He loved all of you for all you did for him. He loved to communicate and stay connected with each of you. We will all miss his sense of humor and the daily emails.

Brother Matthew Moloney had a CHOICE: to dance boldly onto the floor of life or to sit quietly by the wall. We all know that he CHOSE TO DANCE BOLDLY ONTO THE FLOOR OF LIFE! Brother Matthew lived his life fully and made EVERY MOMENT COUNT.

Please pray for the happy repose of the soul of Br. Matthew Moloney, FSC

Born Matthew James Moloney in New York, NY, on August 23, 1919

Entered the Barrytown, NY, Juniorate on June 26, 1935, and Novitiate on June 25, 1938

Received the Religious Habit and Name, Brother Ariston Matthew, on September 7, 1938

Pronounced Perpetual Vows in Oakdale, NY, in 1944

Br. Matthew died at De La Salle Hall, Lincroft, NJ, on December 6, 2013


Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Viewing from 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm [FOR BROTHERS ONLY]
(If Brothers wish to come for supper at 5:30 pm, please notify the Director @ 215-840-2325)

De La Salle Hall
810 Newman Springs Road
Lincroft, NJ  07738-1608

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Viewing from 11:00 am – 1:30 pm
Mass of Christian Burial1:45 pm
Brother Matthew has chosen cremation. Cremation and burial are pending at a later date.

De La Salle Hall
810 Newman Springs Road
Lincroft, NJ  07738-1608


District: 100 masses
De La Salle Hall Community: 30 masses
Each community in the District:
1 mass

Brother Matthew died peacefully in the early evening hours after a brief period in hospice care at De La Salle Hall.  May he rest in peace.


New York, NY
St. Augustine’s School

Detroit, MI
St. Joseph’s High School

assistant principal, sub-director
Detroit, MI
St. Joseph’s High School

teacher and director
Bronx, NY
St. Jerome’s School

Albany, NY
La Salle School


Albany, NY
La Salle School


teacher and director
Detroit, MI
St. Joseph’s High School

teacher and director
Bronx, NY
St. Raymond’s High School for Boys

theology and director
Bronx, NY
Manhattan College

New York, NY
La Salle Academy

Yonkers, NY
Sacred Heart High School


Staten Island, NY
St. Peter’s Boys High School


Bronx, NY
St. Raymond’s High School for Boys


Yonkers, NY
Sacred Heart High School


Staten Island, NY
St. Peter’s Boys High School


Lincroft, NJ
De La Salle Hall