
St. John’s College High School – Washington, DC

Michael-AndrejkoBrother Mike is a proud Pittsburgher whose life was deeply influenced by the Brothers he met at Central Catholic and other places. He entered the Brothers at Jeremy House in 1988, with his habit-taking at La Salle University a month later. Br. Mike drew La Salle College HS (1990-92) as his first assignment, followed by a year at St. Gabriel’s Hall. After his novitiate year at Skaneateles (NY), he returned to teach at St. Gabe’s for two years and then moved to St. John’s (Washington; 1996-2000). The Brothers have consistently noted Br. Mike’s approachability, and Superiors soon noticed his talent for administration. He thus became the Vice Principal at West Catholic HS for seven years beginning in 2000. The next three years were at Central Catholic to do campus ministry there, but he would return to the Nation’s Capital as the Principal of St. John’s beginning in 2010, a post he still holds. In so many locales he has led students on community service trips. Hobbies include hiking, biking, and traveling. Happy 25th, Br. Mike! A favorite quote, from an unknown author, consists of six sentences beginning with “Some persons choose to spend their lives sharing in a human project more enduring than themselves….”

– Remarks written by Br. Joseph Grabenstein, FSC