Br. Paco visits the Turon Community in DC, with Br. Ed along with current and alum Lasallian Volunteers.
Bronx, NY – On February 13th Brother Paco Chiva, FSC, the Co-Secretary for Association of our Institute, left Rome, Italy for his tour of the new world.
On March 8th he arrived in DENA for two weeks to meet Lasallians at work, in communities or at home, hosted by Br. Edward Phelan, who also authored this post. He started by visiting with the Mission Executive Council at their meeting in Lincroft. In Washington DC, he visited Christian Brothers Conference, the San Miguel School and stayed overnight with the Turon Community in DC. In subsequent days he met with Lasallians from La Salle University, the associative group, Philadelphia Area Lasallian Ministries (PALM), at West Catholic High School and campus ministry staff at Manhattan College. Paco met one-on-one with fellow Brothers Fred Mueller, Joe Schmidt and Miguel Campos. Meeting present and former Lasallian volunteers was a special treat for Br. Paco as he could clearly see how they were being formed not only in Lasallian Mission, but also in Lasallian Spirituality.
Visiting DENA ministries and Lasallians at the same time as the Coronavirus was a challenge solved often by DENA’s Communications/Public Relations department with the use of ZOOM Video Conferencing calls scheduled for Paco with staff of institutions temporarily closed to microscopic “foreign guests.”
We welcome Brother Paco who on his first visit to the United States is now a refugee in the Bronx! Great to have you with us!