
Br. Patrick Martin, FSC


Given by Brother Jerome Sullivan, FSC
October 9, 2013
Mass of Christian Burial
De La Salle Hall, Lincroft, NJ

Brother Patrick Martin, James Joseph Martin, was born in the Bronx to Philip and Katherine Martin, November 1, All Saints Day, 1916. He died peacefully at De La Salle Hall, the morning of October 6, 2013 in his 97th year and 80th year as a Christian Brother. Pat attended St. Barnabas Grade School in the Bronx and entered the Brothers after his sophomore year at La Salle Academy. Under his graduation picture in the Barrytown yearbook, it reads, “At all times his smiling freckled countenance and his cheerfulness illuminate his surroundings”. Sounds like Pat never changed. Pat received his degrees from Manhattan College and spent the next 50 plus years in the schools as teacher, coach, and moderator of activities. But, as we all know, Pat’s life was much more than that.

One of my favorite stories in Luke’s gospel is the story of the two disciples and Jesus on the road to Emmaus. After Jesus left them, they asked each other “Were not our hearts burning when he was with us.”

We can all ask a similar question this afternoon, “Were not our hearts burning when Pat Martin was with us.” Pat was extraordinary; never dull, never middle of the road. In fact, he never stood still. He was dynamic with students, faculty, and Brothers. He was famous for running into class with glasses on his forehead and papers flying all over the place. The glasses on his forehead led to his nickname “The Aviator”. After school, he was always on the football or baseball fields, in the gym, or on the golf course with the students. In the evenings with the Brothers, he was always full of questions. Pat was famous for starting arguments and never hesitant about changing sides if he was losing. He was fun to be around. He was a friend for life, and he remained youthful and feisty even into his 90’s.

I don’t know how he got the name “Pepper”. I’m sure his mother didn’t call him Pepper, but it fit him to a tee. Pat had a style and vocabulary all his own. He was energetic, enthusiastic, concerned, shirt off his back, everything for the students, loving, and lovable, 20 questions, one at a time, eternally hopeful and optimistic, magnificent role model for students and teachers. He had his own vocabulary: “on the boards” meant in the classroom, “rake the infield” meant erase the blackboard, “donkey dust” meant he didn’t think too much of your argument. The list goes on and on, and several years ago, students at CBA, Lincroft, published a list of Pepper’s sayings in the school newspaper.

Pat spent his career in the classroom, not in an office. His road to Emmaus began in the NYC grade schools at St. Gabriel’s, St. Raymond’s, and Good Shepherd. He moved to the high schools at La Salle, Providence; La Salle, Oakdale; CBA, Albany; and CBA, Lincroft. He was part of the founding faculty at Cardinal Spellman High School in the Bronx and then moved to De La Salle, Detroit; Queen of Peace, North Arlington; and Paramus Catholic. He worked at Lincoln Hall on three different occasions. You may ask the delicate question, why so many changes? You’ll have to ask Pat next time you see him. However, in times of trouble, Pat was always there to help. In his road to Emmaus, Pat touched hearts and souls wherever he went.

Pat came to De La Salle Hall from his beloved community of St. Peter’s, Staten Island, in 2003. He fought the change with his superiors, administrators, doctors, nurses, and staff at De La Salle Hall and anyone else who would listen. After a few months, he finally settled in. This is probably the best time to thank the administration, staff, nurses, nurses’ aides, and volunteers at DLSH for their patience and good will. Many people here formed a close friendship with Pat and will miss him. Pat was a fighter and the change from an active community life to retired life at De La Salle Hall was a difficult time for him, but we all know down deep that he appreciated all that was done for him.

Pat, Pepper, or Uncle Jim was always very close to his family. At this time, let’s remember Pat’s deceased sisters: Helen, Catherine, Agnes, and May, and his deceased brother, Ed. To his nephews: Gerard, Edward, Jim, John, Jimmy, Ed, and Bill, and his niece, Geraldine, and their families, thank you for your loving presence and support and for sharing your Uncle Jim with us. I’m sure that once he finishes his 20 questions with St. Peter at the Pearly Gates, Pat’s place in heaven will be assured. God bless Pat Martin. He was one of a kind. They broke the mold and we’ll all miss him. Pat has finished the fight. He has won the race. He has kept the faith. May he rest in peace!

St. John Baptist de La Salle.
Live Jesus in Our Hearts.

Please pray for the happy repose of the soul of Br. Patrick Martin, FSC

Born James Joseph Martin in New York, NY, on November 1, 1916

Entered the Barrytown, NY, Juniorate on June 26, 1932, and Novitiate on June 27, 1933

Received the Religious Habit and Name, Brother Anthelm Patrick, on September 7, 1933

Pronounced Perpetual Vows in Oakdale, NY, in 1941

Br. Patrick died at De La Salle Hall, Lincroft, NJ, on October 6, 2013


Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Viewing from 1:30 – 3:30 pm
Mass of Christian Burial at 3:30 pm
Viewing from 6:30 – 8:00 pm

De La Salle Hall
810 Newman Springs Road
Lincroft, NJ  07738-1608

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Burial at Gate of Heaven Cemetery, Hawthorne, NY, at 11:30 am


District: 100 masses
De La Salle Hall Community: 30 masses
Each community in the District:
1 mass

Brother Patrick died peacefully in the early morning hours on Sunday after being placed in hospice care at De La Salle Hall on Friday.  May he rest in peace.


New York, NY
St. Gabriel’s School

New York, NY
St. Raymond’s School

New York, NY
Good Shepherd School

teacher and prefect
Lincolndale, NY
Lincoln Hall

Providence, RI
La Salle Academy

Oakdale, NY
La Salle Military Academy

Albany, NY
Christian Brothers Academy

New York, NY
Cardinal Spellman High School

Detroit, MI
De La Salle Collegiate:

teacher and sub-director (1965-70)
Lincroft, NJ
Christian Brothers Academy

prefect and assistant principal (1973-74)
Lincolndale, NY
Lincoln Hall

Oakdale, NY
La Salle Military Academy

North Arlington, NJ
Queen of Peace High School

Oakdale, NY
La Salle Military Academy

Lincolndale, NY
Lincoln Hall

Paramus, NJ
Paramus Catholic High School

Staten Island, NY
St. Peter’s Boys High School

Lincroft, NJ
De La Salle Hall