Br. Philip Rofrano, center, shakes hands with University president, and fellow Brother, William Mann, as he receives his honorary degree.
Minneapolis, MN — In recognition of a lifetime of faith-filled service to marginalized youth, Brother Philip Rofrano, FSC, was presented with an honorary doctorate by Saint Mary’s University of Minnesota at its commencement ceremony June 7 in Minneapolis.
Brother Philip Rofrano, FSC, was awarded a Doctor of Psychology degree, honoris causa, for his inspirational leadership as founder and executive director of the Martin De Porres Group Homes in Springfield Gardens, N.Y.
The award recognizes that Brother Philip has celebrated 50 years of service as a De La Salle Christian Brother and dedicated 40 years of service at Martin de Porres Group Homes, where he mentored men and women who cared for those often referred to as “the least, the last, and the lost.”
The Catholic Church in 2015 celebrates the Year of Consecrated Life, recalling especially those Brothers and Sisters like Brother Philip Rofrano who have attempted by word and deed to bring compassion and the love of God to the sometimes forgotten and often marginalized members of society. And the Brothers of the Christian Schools, by the call of their recent 45th General Chapter, heightened their attention and recommitted their energies as Lasallians to serve humanity in distress, something Brother Philip has done for most of his life.
At its three commencement convocations June 7, Saint Mary’s University of Minnesota and its Schools of Graduate and Professional Programs conferred degrees to more than 350 graduates.
Congrats…Br. Phil….class of 70- something