District Council Member

rich-galvinBrother Richard is a Brother of many talents and much energy. He is the director of the Brothers’ community at St. Raymond’s High School Boys, and certainly one of the most respected Brothers in the community. He’s always ready to be of service to its members, and is a man of deep faith, leading the community by example.

When he finds a spare moment from his duties at St. Raymond’s High School for Boys, he loves to ride his bike. Brother Richard recently completed the 55-mile Five Boro Bike Tour, and the 75-mile NYC bike ride. He is also an avid golfer and gets out on the course whenever he can. He rarely misses a Bruce Springsteen concert and has a collection of all of the Boss’ CDs. He is also a rabid fan of both the New York Mets and New York Jets, but lately you might find it difficult to get him to admit it.

As a St. Raymond’s graduate, he grew up in the Bronx, and his parents still live a few minutes away from the school. He is very devoted to his mother and father, and is always ready to be of service to them. His brother and sister-in-law also live nearby with their daughter Katie, who is Richard’s pride and joy.

Richard is the school’s campus minister and also the chairperson of the religion department. As campus minister, he organizes all of the school’s liturgies along with sophomore retreats held at St. Patrick’s Nursing Home, and overnight retreats for the senior class.

Richard is also the head coach of the soccer team in the fall, and the lacrosse team in the spring. Both activities keep him well occupied. During the winter season, he is an avid supporter of St. Raymond’s basketball teams.

Brother Richard is fully committed to his ministry at St. Raymond’s High School for Boys, but also dedicates time to the District of Eastern North America. He was recently appointed to the District Council, and was also a member of the Vocation Promotion Committee. Always willing to pitch in to help raise the profile of the Christian Brothers, Brother Richard most recently was a speaker at a Theology on Tap event in New York City, sharing his personal vocation story with young people looking to better understand religious life.