District Council Member

bergerA devoted and zealous Christian Brother, imbued with the vision and the spirit of Saint John Baptist de La Salle, Brother Robert is an effective teacher, deeply concerned for the intellectual growth and the spiritual maturity of his students. Before returning to his Alma Mater, Manhattan College, in 1988, Br. Robert taught mathematics and religion at Christian Brothers Academy in Albany, and Lincroft. Br. Robert has always approached his students with love and respect, humor and enthusiasm, good sense and fairness. He has provided strong and understanding leadership in his role as Resident Director in Jasper Hall, and enhanced the quality of residence life at Manhattan College, recently stepping down as Vice-President of Student Life a year ago. Students and faculty have been high in their praise for his zeal and energy in the work of campus ministry, and especially in the retreat programs. For the past fifteen years, Br. Robert has assisted men and women in the ministry of spiritual direction and Eight Day Directed Retreats. As a faculty member of the Lasallian Leadership Institute, he has given presentations on “Lasallian Spirituality.”

During his time at Manhattan, Br. Robert received a Fulbright Memorial Scholarship to study the educational system in Japan. He spent the 1998-99 academic year abroad while on sabbatical from Manhattan. Br. Robert also received the Distinguished Lasallian Educator Award from Manhattan College for the 1993-94 academic year. Br. Robert was elected delegate to the General Chapter meeting of the Brothers of the Christian Schools that met in Rome, Italy, in July of 2007. He currently serves as a member of the District Council of the District of Eastern North America.