
061114 Eckenrode, Robert

Words of Remembrance for Brother Robert Eckenrode, FSC

Given by Joseph F. Clocker (Nephew)
June 16, 2014
Mass of Christian Burial
La Salle Hall, Beltsville, MD

I would like to thank everyone for taking the time to join us today to celebrate the life of my uncle, Brother Robert Eckenrode.  When I think back on the life of this gentle and caring man, I am reminded of the quote of one of Babe Ruth’s teammates, “When they made Babe Ruth, they broke the mold.”  I believe the same can be said for Robert Eckenrode.

Robert Eckenrode accepted the call to enter religious life early in his formative years.  He  joined the Brothers of the Christian Schools straight out of Calvert Hall College where he witnessed firsthand the Order’s dedication to God, to the Gospel, and to the ministry of education in the Catholic Church.  He embraced the calling to this ministry and dedicated his life to the education of young people at the various schools of the Order.  He advanced his education by earning a Master’s Degree so that he could be a more effective educator.  During the 1970’s he accepted an assignment to Ammendale and worked in the Auxiliary.

During his life, Brother Robert enjoyed the simple pleasures of life.  He loved to travel.  He especially enjoyed spending time with the family describing these experiences.  From his vivid anecdotes, the family often commented that Uncle Robert had a guardian angel who looked after him when he travelled.  His driving skills were the stuff of legend, and we often found it amusing that he taught “Driver’s Ed!”  As a young boy I would listen to the stories of his travels around the globe as if he had been to exotic lands.  I was blessed to have traveled with him to various parts of the country and was introduced to the concept of camping as a way to save on lodging and meals.  During these trips, I learned the art of packing a small sedan with camping gear, a skill that entertained Melissa and Beth when we went camping in their younger years. I learned that camping at roadside rest stops, where it was clearly posted “No Camping” was no big deal at all!

Brother Robert was a loyal Republican and unwavering in his conservative political views.  He could rope you into a political discussion and make you feel as if you had just gone ten rounds in the great debate.  He enjoyed classical music and bicycle riding.  He engaged in bike riding as a form of exercise well into his seventies.  The mileage and distance covered by his rides are legendary.

Brother Robert was dedicated to his nieces and nephews and supported them in countless ways to make their lives meaningful and productive.  The family will always have fond memories of summer days and family birthday parties spent around the pool at the old Ammendale residence.  In his later years he enjoyed visits with relatives, reminiscing about the good old days.  Brother Robert was true to his Creator and to himself.  He was very special to his family.  We will never  forget him.  We will always cherish the time that we were blessed to have shared with him.  His memory will live in our hearts forever.

Please pray for the happy repose of the soul of Br. Robert Eckenrode, FSC

Born Robert Francis Eckenrode in Baltimore, MD, on October 15, 1924

Entered the Ammendale, MD, Novitiate on June 29, 1942

Received the Religious Habit and Name, Brother Finian of Mary, on September 7, 1942

Pronounced Perpetual Vows in Ocean City, NJ, in 1949


Br. Robert died at De La Salle Hall, Lincroft, NJ, on June 11, 2014


Friday, June 13, 2014

Viewing from 1:30 pm – 3:30 pm

De La Salle Hall
810 Newman Springs Road
Lincroft, NJ  07738-1608

Monday, June 16, 2014

Viewing from 9:30 am – 10:45 am
Mass of Christian Burial at 11:00 am

La Salle Hall
6001 Ammendale Road
Beltsville, MD  20705-1202

Burial in Brothers’ cemetery to follow
Luncheon at La Salle Hall


District: 100 masses
La Salle Hall community: 30 masses
Each community in the District: 
1 mass

Brother Robert died quietly and peacefully at De La Salle Hall during the afternoon after one day in palliative care.  May he rest in peace.


Washington, D.C.
De La Salle scholasticate

Washington, D.C.
St. John’s College High School

Philadelphia, PA
West Catholic Boys High School

Washington, D.C.
The Catholic University

Baltimore, MD
Calvert Hall College High School

Philadelphia, PA
West Catholic Boys High School

Phoenixville, PA
Catholic Protectory

Washington, D.C.
St. John’s College High School

Ammendale, MD
Auxiliary Office

Ammendale, MD
La Salle Hall

Lincroft, NJ
De La Salle Hall