The Identity and Mission of the Religious Brother in the World Today” – September 2 – 29, 2012bob-hazard

UPDATE – 10/5/12 – Brother Robert Hazard has returned to the states, now that the Inter-congregational Meeting in Rome has conlcuded.

“I was amazed at the enthusiasm of the group. It was abundantly clear that each Brother present, whether from Burundi, India or Samoa, was very convinced of the value of being a Brother,” he said. “I know that one thing I saw clearly was the value of different congregations working together. We have so much in common and we have lots to share.”

4/18/12 – Washington, DC — Br. Robert Hazard, FSC has been chosen by the USA-Toronto Region to represent the Brothers of the Christian Schools at the upcoming Inter-congregational Meeting in Rome during the month of September.

i“The Identity and Mission of the Religious Brother in the World Today” is the joint effort of the following institutions:

  • Edmund Rice Christian Brothers

  • Marist Brothers

  • Brothers of the Christian Schools

  • Brothers of Our Lady of Mercy

  • Brothers of Saint Gabriel

  • Brothers of the Sacred Heart

  • Brothers of Christian Instruction

  • Brothers of the Holy Family

The goals of the Inter-congregational gathering are to take an in-depth look at the common identity and mission as Brothers in the Church and the world today, to foster mutual knowledge and relationships among Institutes of Brothers, to have an inter-congregational formation experience that will help to reflect, pray and live this important time of history together, to share a joint formation experience that will serve as a channel for other formation activities in the future, to encourage the Brothers of these Institutes to meet together in order to have this discussion on the local level in our Provinces/Districts, and to draw up materials that will aid in continuing prayer and reflection.

The program will be held in Rome hosted at the Generalate of the Brothers of the Christian Schools from September 2 – 29, 2012. With the objective of facilitating a true experience of fraternity, roughly five Brothers from each Institute will gather for this important meeting.

Br. Bob was chosen to represent the Region because of his past community leadership experience, his involvement in initial formation (most recently with our young Brothers during their Novitiate in Napa, CA), his experience in the missions, and his positive, open, and infectious attitude about his vocation as a Brother of the Christian Schools! Thank you Br. Bob accepting this great honor and representing your Brothers of the USA-Toronto Region!