Brother Michael McKenery, FSC to step down after 14 years at the helmlasalle-academy-president

4/4/12 – Providence, RI – Brother Thomas Gerrow has been selected as the successor to La Salle Academy President Brother Michael Mc Kenery when Brother Michael departs from La Salle at the end of the current school year.

Brother Thomas was born in Philadelphia and is a product of Catholic education in that city from a parish grade school to West Catholic High School and La Salle University where he earned a Bachelor of Arts degree in Political Science Education.

He has been immersed in Lasallian education for 40 years since graduating from college in 1971. Most recently Brother Thomas was the President of St. John’s College High School in Washington, D.C., a position he held for 16 years.

As chief executive officer at St. John’s, he was responsible to the Board of Trustees and Board of Members for the execution of its policies, including enrollment, financial management, physical plant, curriculum, development and other matters that pertain to the well-being of the school. He also completed two capital campaigns totaling more than $30 million dollars, increased enrollment from 450 students to almost 1,100 and, in addition, increased the endowment by more than $30 million dollars.

Prior to his assignment at St. John’s, he held leadership positions in Hudson Catholic Regional High School in New Jersey, West Philadelphia Catholic High School, Resurrection of Lord School in Philadelphia and St. Gabriel’s Hall in Audubon, Pennsylvania. He has served on the Boards of St. Johns International School in Waterloo, Belgium, Mary of Nazareth Regional Elementary School and Calvert Hall College High School, both in Maryland. He is currently on the Boards of La Salle Institute in Troy, New York and Christian Brothers Academy in Albany, New York.

Brother Thomas earned a Master of Science in Secondary School Administration from Duquesne University and has done graduate work at Syracuse University and the University of Southern California.

“I have known Brother Michael for decades and admired all that he has accomplished, particularly here at La Salle Academy. It is quite advantageous to have this year to work in transition with him,” said Brother Thomas. Having known Don Kavanagh almost as long, I have the greatest respect for his professionalism,” said Brother Thomas. “My meeting with the La Salle Academy Board of Regents left me very impressed with their dedication to the school and it will be a pleasure working with them.”

“As I begin my own personal transition, I am pleased to welcome Brother Thomas Gerrow, FSC, a long-time colleague and highly regarded Brother of the Christian Schools, to La Salle Academy,” said La Salle President Brother Michael Mc Kenery. “I wish him much success and satisfaction in moving La Salle ever forward in its mission and purpose as a Catholic and Lasallian school of excellence.”