Br. Timothy Coldwell, FSC – General Councilor of RELAN
Rome, Italy – Brother Timothy Coldwell, FSC, was elected today as General Councilor for the Lasallian Region of North America (RELAN)
Brother Timothy succeeds Brother Robert Schieler, FSC, who was elected Superior General earlier this week. Prior to being elected General Councilor, Brother Timothy served as Visitor of the District of New Orleans – Santa Fe for seven years. The native of Denver, CO, entered the novitiate in 1979 in Ontario, Canada, and made his final vows in 1986. His prior assignments and duties have included service as teacher, dorm prefect, soccer coach, and administrator at San Miguel High School in Tucson, AZ; St. Paul’s School in Covington, LA; Notre Dame High School in Shreveport, LA; and St. Alphonsus in New Orleans, LA.
In a change from the former structure, the delegates decided earlier in the week to reduce the number of General Councilors from eight to five. Previously, three of the eight General Councilors resided at the Generalate. The five General Councilors elected in this Chapter each have responsibility for a particular Region. Along with Brother Timothy elected with responsibility for RELAN, the following Brothers were also elected:
Brother Pierre Ouattará, FSC
General Councilor
RELAF (Africa) – Région Lasallienne Africano-Malgache
Brother Ricky Laguda, FSC
General Councilor
PARC (Asia and Oceania) – Pacific-Asia Regional Conference
Brother Paulo Petry, FSC
General Councilor
RELAL (Latin America) – Region Latinoamericana Lasallista
Brother Aiden Kilty, FSC
General Councilor
RELEM (Europe – Mediterranean) – Région Lasallienne Européenne-Mediterranéenne
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Learn more about Br. Timothy Coldwell, FSC, on the Regional website >
or read Br. Tim’s reflections and updates from the 45th General Chapter >