1925 – 2015


Words of Remembrance for Brother William Marshall, FSC

Given by Brother Edward Phelan, FSC
October 20, 2015
Mass of Christian Burial
De La Salle Hall, Lincroft, NJ

The reading from Wisdom was a short note to all of us from Bill. It said:
Like everyone else, I too am mortal, a descendant of the first being fashioned from the earth; in the womb of my mother I was molded into flesh, for nine months taking shape within her.  For everyone, there is only one way into life, and only one way out of life.

Brother William Marshall, Bill, came in on August 16, 1925 in Clairton, PA to a community of his parents and their friends and he went out last Friday afternoon shortly after another family and friends prayed over him, anointed him, and assured him it was okay to go on to his next gig, his successive call, and the answer to his plea of many weeks: “I don’t know why I am still here.”

We all come in helplessly dependent on our community and often we go out, if we are blessed like Bill, helplessly dependent on our community – for nourishment, for movement, for all aspects of daily life. Please raise your hand if you were a member of his community here at De La Salle Hall.

When I joined so many of his caregivers, fellow community members and Brothers, at his anointing last Friday evening, I knew I was in the presence of very special and very holy people. I knew Bill was a lucky man to be surrounded by such a large caring network of support.

I looked at Bill, covered in his bed with this La Salle blanket, and immediately thought of his other family of almost 40 years on Western Avenue in Albany, NY, at a residential treatment center. In those days prefects like Bill worked 24/7 on Western Avenue during the school year and similarly at Coup Camp outside town all summer. Divisions that Bill supervised were always orderly, and the boys knew exactly what was expected of them. He kept the boys moving at a fast pace with sports and pinochle tournaments. Bill worked hard and long but also played hard on the tennis court. Many of us can recall him in tennis shorts with his white headband, holding a racket and dripping in sweat.

He worked hard and made many long lasting friends. He was down to earth with no pretense, boundless energy, endless stories and commentaries about life. Marion who worked the 4 to 12 shift at the switchboard for 20 years told me yesterday that he visited her every day with stories she has never forgotten.

He loved to eat and drink. He greatly admired other hard working employees at La Salle School. One of his favorite rooms was the kitchen. After many years, on Sunday mornings after a modest breakfast with the Brothers, he would visit Joe and Bob in the kitchen where he would also hold court from a special chair reserved for him. Joe and Bob would make him five inch BLT sandwiches plus a dozen scrambled eggs while discussing Notre Dame football or other issues of the day. Besides being an entertainer, Bill was always quick to advise the kitchen staff that all beef, pork, and chicken products should be cooked until uneatable.

His other favorite room was the recreation room in the basement of the Brothers’ residence that held his extensive collection of records, snacks of all kinds, and beer on tap. “Let’s stay for one more,” was Bill’s popular refrain to his guests as the hour moved near the end of the PM cycle. Bill had special names for things and the keg was no exception. Bill often had the keg in mind when he would whisper to his young friend, Joe Ryan, a Lasallian Volunteer, “Baby needs changing.”

Bill had a gaze or a look that connected with people. I believe it was his way of blessing us and making us feel worthwhile, valued, and noticed. He blessed many people in this room with that smile. Jesus had this skill also. He would look at people – usually the unimportant, disliked, and weak, in a way that uplifted them, made them feel his love, and helped them do extraordinary things. His look or gaze of affection and understanding of Matthew, the despised tax collector, with the words “come follow me” caused Matthew to completely change his life. Bill, keep us in sight always.

Please pray for the happy repose of the soul of Brother William Marshall, FSC

Born William Charles Marshall in Clairton, PA on August 16, 1925

Entered the Barrytown, NY, Novitiate on March, 3, 1953

Received the Religious Habit and Name, Brother Augustine Jerome, on May 14, 1953

Pronounced Perpetual Vows in Barrytown, NY, in 1959


Br. William died at De La Salle Hall, Lincroft, NJ, on October 16, 2015



Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Viewing beginning at 10:00 am
Mass of Christian Burial at 11:00 am

De La Salle Hall
810 Newman Springs Road
Lincroft, NJ 07738-1608

Burial at St. Gabriel’s Cemetery, Marlboro, NJ



District: 50 masses
De La Salle Hall community: 30 masses
Each community in the District: 1 mass

Brother William died peacefully after a brief period of declining health. May he rest in peace.



New York, NY
St. Augustine School

Albany, NY
La Salle School

study (Residence: La Salle Institute, NY)
New York, NY
New York University

study (Residence: La Salle Academy, NY)
New York, NY
New York University

Syracuse, NY
Christian Brothers Academy

Staten Island, NY
St. Peter’s Boys High School

Albany, NY
La Salle School

Lincroft, NJ
De La Salle Hall