Words of Remembrance
Brother Anthony Scotto, FSC


Given by Brother William Mann, FSC

Mass of Christian Burial
Chapel of the Christian Brothers Center
Narragansett, Rhode Island

January 6, 2021

This past Saturday evening a new star appeared in the heavens. Its ascent probably went unnoticed by most; but by Sunday morning, as word spread up and down the East Coast, we all knew that Anthony Scotto had died the way he so often tried to live his life. Quietly and unobtrusively our brother made his final journey. As he brought light and life to so many of our lives for so many years, he now shines down on us from his new home in eternity. My most sincere hope is that, like the Magi of the gospels, when “the star stopped over the place where Jesus was to be found,” Anthony too “was overwhelmed with joy.”

Imagine with me, if you would, his arriving and being greeted in heaven by the God he loved and served his whole life … and, without doubt, by his own dear mother and father … greeted with the words, “you are my son, whom I love; with you, I am so very well pleased.”2 Imagine, if you would, his being greeted by the heavenly hosts with blaring trumpets, with songs, and with – what else? – banners … beautifully hand-crafted banners … banners with our own handprints on them … yours and mine and all those who had been entrusted by God into his loving care … banners just like the ones Anthony made for so many of our District celebrations … banners covered with the stars of his radiance … De La Salle in Newport … La Salle in Oakdale … CBA in Lincroft.

When the first Christmas star appeared in the heavens over Bethlehem, we know that angels sang hymns of glory as the world welcomed the One whose birth was heralded as … Wonderful Counselor … Mighty God … Everlasting Father … Prince of Peace.3 But could you also, with me, imagine Anthony’s infectious delight last Saturday when he was the star being ushered into the Divine Presence by his namesake, the Virgin Mary of Loreto, and by heavenly beings bearing a striking resemblance to his De La Salle Christian Brothers Charlie Kitson and Edmond Precourt, his sisters Gloria and Nancy, and countless former students and colleagues who arrived in eternity before him … each carrying their own hand-crafted banner … Loving Brother … Loyal Friend … Diligent Student … Inspiring Teacher … Trusted Confidant … Wise Mentor … Gifted Artist … Compassionate Neighbor.

Saint John Baptist de La Salle, our Founder, spoke to the first Brothers about the “thrill of joy” and the “special union” of hearts to be experienced as we Brother teachers arrived, at the end of our earthly journey, in the Presence of God and as we heard the voices of all those with and for whom we had toiled and labored here on earth4 … remembering before God the role we played in the lives of others … sharing the stories of the blessing we were in bringing others to full and eternal life … here on earth and for all eternity. And as I’ve spent time these past few days reflecting and sharing memories with others in our District about the role Anthony played in so many of our lives, I found myself thinking of:

  • Anthony during his early years at La Salle in Providence preparing homemade Christmas decorations on the floor in the bedroom of the old house that he shared with Dave Detje;
  • Anthony here in Narragansett during Christmas vacation 1965, a truly masterful teacher with colored chalk in hand and complex drawings on the board, instructing the captive novitiate audience, at the request of John Veale, on the intricacies of the biology of human sexuality;
  • Anthony as the fierce and furious champion of the families and the future of De La Salle Academy in Newport, a dream that just was not to be;
  • Anthony as a seasoned school administrator taking novice teachers and a newbie Brother administrator under his wings;
  • Anthony encouraging and supporting other Brother artists like himself … his friend Ralph Bucci and Mike Dundin.
  • Anthony on a Bright-Day-Travel-sponsored community trip with Brothers to the beaches of Hawaii after the 1984 Regional Convocation in California … cutting off the circulation in Mike McKenery’s hand … so frightened was he with the airplane’s turbulence;
  • Anthony with his good friend Ralph Montedoro … and Mike Dwyer, Andy O’Gara, Dan Gardner, and Augie Nicoletti … traveling overseas … with dozens of CBA Lincroft students … year after year after year;
  • Anthony giving art classes in stained-glass and latch-hook rug making to another generation of novices in Skaneateles;
  • Anthony as community director on Homestead Road in Oakdale selflessly welcoming so many guests and attentively caring for his brothers John Linhardt, Jerry Corrigan, Jimmy Brennan, and Joe Ventura in the final years of their earthly journey;
  • Anthony delighted and getting ready to go out to be with his beloved sisters and nieces, and especially here I think of his sisters Lee and Marie to whom our hearts go out today in this time of great loss;
  • Anthony leaving the community house five-days-a-week to work in a soup kitchen on Long Island to feed the hungry (as much as we know he liked food and table fellowship, it broke his heart that folks are still going hungry in this great land of ours);
  • Anthony stretched out across a large table … or, in earlier days, down on the floor … working on just one more banner … to make our District liturgies that much more beautiful and festive.

He loved his family so very much; being a De La Salle Christian Brother brought joy to his heart; teaching, working in community, and concern for the hungry were the passions of his life. This was the sacred terrain where he loved God and others … where his earthly brilliance shone forth … “darting about like sparks through stubble”5 … where he daily and lovingly, by grace and mercy, “denied his very self, took up his cross, and followed in the footsteps of Jesus”6 as a Brother of the Christian Schools.

“As an angel said to the Prophet Daniel” and as De La Salle told our first Brothers, we can now say of our Brother Anthony: “Those who instruct many persons in Christian justice will shine like stars throughout all eternity. They will shine forever in the midst of all of those whom they have served.”7 A new star has appeared in the heavens, and we know his name.

I sincerely hope that Anthony’s trip home to God went well, although I can imagine him with his eyes closed and muttering to himself, holding tightly onto the angels on his right and his left, as he ascended to the heavenly heights. Let’s hope that he remembered where he was going and that his mutterings were prayers.

And so, Anthony … good and loyal friend … faithful Brother of the Christian Schools … goodbye. You don’t have to try so hard any longer. The battle is done, and you can relax a bit more now; you’ve finally made it home. Those of us still here on earth need your inspiration; and so, please continue to shine. For all eternity, shine, shine, shine!

1 Cf. Matthew 2:1-12, the gospel passage for the Feast of Epiphany (01/03 & 06/21).
2 Cf. Mark 1:7-11, the gospel passage for the Feast of the Baptism of the Lord (01/10/21).
3 Isaiah 9:6.
4 Cf. Meditation #208.3.
5 Wisdom 3:6-9.
6 Cf. Matthew 16:21-27, the gospel passage Anthony chose for today’s funeral liturgy.
7 Cf. Meditation #208.2, quoting Daniel 12:3

Please pray for the repose of the soul of Brother L. Anthony Scotto, FSC

1934 – 2021

Born Loreto Anthony Scotto in Brooklyn NY on 7 December 1934
Entered the Barrytown NY Novitiate on 9 March 1952
Received the Religious Habit and Name Anthony Loreto on 11 May 1952
Pronounced Perpetual Vows in Barrytown NY on 30 August 1959
Died at South County Hospital in Wakefield RI on 2 January 2021


Wednesday, 6 January 2021

Mass of Christian Burial – 10.00am

Live Stream Link to the Funeral

Interment Following

Christian Brothers Center · Narragansett RI

Brother Anthony died peacefully on late Saturday evening.

The District of Eastern North America remembers Brother Anthony with memorial liturgies according to the tradition of the Institute. Through their prayers, communities and individuals entrust Brother Anthony to God’s loving care.

Messages of condolence may be sent to:

Leticia (Lee) Scotto & Marie Scotto (sisters of Brother Anthony)
PO Box 784 · Palm City FL 34991

May he rest in peace.


Washington DC
The Catholic University of America (scholasticate)

Providence RI
La Salle Academy

Newport RI
De La Salle Academy

Oakdale NY
La Salle Military Academy

Manchester NH
Bishop Bradley High School

Newport RI
De La Salle Academy

Oakdale NY
La Salle Military Academy

Lincroft NJ
Christian Brothers Academy

Oakdale NY
La Salle Military Academy

Lincroft NJ
Christian Brothers Academy

Oakdale NY
La Salle Center

Oakdale NY
Homestead Community (resident)

Narragansett RI
Christian Brothers Center (resident)