

Burial of Brother Charles Kitson, FSC 

Sunday, April 10, 2016
Christian Brothers Center
635 Ocean Road
Narragansett, RI  02882-1314

10:30 am Memorial Liturgy
(Our Lady of the Star Chapel)
Burial in the Brothers’ cemetery
Luncheon will follow

In Memoriam

It is with deep sadness that we inform you that Brother Charles “Charlie” Kitson, FSC (67) Auxiliary Visitor for Community Life and Formation passed peacefully in his sleep in the morning hours of Friday March 11, 2016. Charlie was attending the Regional Conference of Christian Brothers in Napa, CA.

The Lasallian family has lost a saint among us.

Please remember in your prayers Charlie’s father Charles Kitson (age 95), Mr. Kitson’s caregiver Julie, Milly and Bill Herndon, Charlie’s sister and brother-in-law, and all the members of the Kitson family.

As we continue to mourn this great loss of a wonderful Brother to all of us, we encourage you to share your words of remembrance here in the comments below, or with photos and thoughts on social media. There have already been many messages of love and condolences from all around our global Lasallian institute


Continue to check this page for new information dedicated to our Br. Charles. Funeral mass and arrangements will be confirmed on this page and through other communication vehicles. Thank you for your continued prayers for our dear Brother Charles. Live Jesus in Our Hearts!

In Memoriam


[tab_item title=”Burial”]

Burial of Brother Charles Kitson, FSC 

Sunday, April 10, 2016
Christian Brothers Center
635 Ocean Road
Narragansett, RI  02882-1314

10:30 am Memorial Liturgy (Our Lady of the Star Chapel)
Burial in the Brothers’ cemetery
Luncheon follow

Words of Remembrance from Br. Michael McKenery, FSC


[tab_item title=”Brother Act Video”]

See Charlie’s dance routine in Brother Act with the Miguel Men at The San Miguel School of Providence (2008)


[tab_item title=”Funeral”]

Provincial-Father-Robert-Joerger-CP-58cee1f935ecebc897a81b89a677c2ecMass Celebrant

Father Robert Joerger, C.P.

Funeral Program

Created by Br. Joseph Juliano, FSC with words of remembrance from around the Institute in the final pages including Br. Alvaro Rodriguez Echeverria, FSC, former Superior General

Offertory Memorial Dance

By Sr. Trudy Ahern, SSJ, Charlie’s spiritual director, to “Endless is Your Love” by Tom Kendzia

Words of Remembrance

By Br. Ed Phelan, FSC, and Mr. Victor Pantesco

Remembrance Presentation

Created by Al Cassidy, and Brothers Ed Phelan and Lawrence Goyette, with photos from the Kitson family…

Musical Accompaniment 

For Good” from Wicked, the musical, performed by Ms. Marilyn Paquette and Ms. Sheena Mullen, piano accompaniment, Mr. Ciro Saverino (starting at :50)

Wake & Funeral Photo Slideshow

Created by Mr. Philip De Rita with photos provided by Christian Brothers, Partners, friends and family from all over the world via facebook, Twitter, and e-mail.

Photo Display Boards

by Ms. Carroll Bennett and Ms. Maryann Donohue-Lynch with photos and mementos provided by the Kitson family.


[tab_item title=”From the Superior General”]

From Superior General Brother Robert Schieler

March 11

Dear Brothers and Lasallians,

Today, we’ve lost a brother who brought so much joy to all of us. On behalf of the General Council, the Central Community and the Institute, I offer my sincere condolences to you, Charlie’s dad and family.

In a reflection from today’s Scripture readings there was this sentence, “the measure of a life well lived is the virtue that continues to grow in the lives of those who were touched by it.” Charlie touched so many lives. I think especially of those students–La Salle’s artisans and the poor–that he committed himself to as a De La Salle Brother. We all have our own particular image or photo that captures Charlie’s love for others and his vocation. Mine is of Charlie on a stage in robe, sunglasses and umbrella  dancing with a group of San Miguel students.  He was a brother who our Rule reminds us gave “special attention to those of their pupils who have greater difficulties at school, personal problems, or problems adjusting to family life or society. Charlie felt most at home with such students, particularly during his years at San Miguel.

To leave San Miguel and come to Rome in response to Brother Alvaro’s request is an example of Charlie’s virtue.  He was engaged in a ministry that we say is so important to our identity and mission as Brothers. And it is!  But Charlie understood all the dimensions of his vocation and responded positively.  He stepped onto a larger stage.  So many others now came to appreciate and love the Charlie so well known and loved by us. Circular 461, Associated for the Lasallian Mission  …an act of Hope is among his legacy and gifts to us.

We will continue to keep you in our prayers as you grieve the loss of our brother.  And Charlie will keep us in prayer as he now experiences the “joy a Brother of the Christian Schools will have when he sees a great number of his students in possession of eternal happiness, for which they are indebted to him by the grace of Jesus Christ!”


Brother Robert Schieler, FSC
Brother Superior


[tab_item title=”More”]

A Reflection by CBA Syracuse Principal Matt Keough

Roughly six years ago, Brother Charles Kitson asked all Lasallians to “cast our nets on the other side of the boat.” This was his metaphor, encouraging our Lasallian schools to seek new ways to fulfill the Lasallian Mission. Brother Charlie pressed… Read More





Please pray for the happy repose of the soul of Charles F. Kitson, Jr.

Born Charles F. Kitson, Jr. in Jersey City, NJ, on January 6, 1949
Died at the Mont La Salle Retreat and Conference Center, Napa, CA, on March 11, 2016
Entered the Barrytown, NY, Novitiate on July 3, 1966
Received the Religious Habit in Barrytown, NY, on August 27, 1966
Pronounced Perpetual Vows at St. Raphael Academy, Pawtucket, RI, on May 15, 1974


Pawtucket, RI
St. Raphael Academy: teacher

Narragansett, RI
Christian Brothers Center: director of vocations

Providence, RI
La Salle Academy: director of campus ministries

Santa Fe, NM
Sangre de Cristo Center: renewal (fall session)

Guatemala, Central America
Instituto La Salle: teacher; comunidad

Pawtucket, RI
Tides Family Services: Latin Outreach Program

Providence, RI
San Miguel School: School Social Worker (part time)

Rome, Italy
Generalate: Secretary for Lasallian Family & Association

Eatontown, NJ
DENA: Auxiliary Visitor for Community Life and Formation

Funeral Arrangements

Friday, March 18, 2016 Christian Brothers Academy (Alumni Hall)
850 Newman Springs Road
Lincroft, NJ  07738-1698
Viewing from 4:00 – 8:00 pm

Saturday, March 19, 2016 Christian Brothers Academy
Viewing from 9:00 – 11:00 am (Alumni Hall)
Mass of Christian Burial at 11:00 am (Henderson Theater)
Lunch to follow (Cafeteria)

Brother Charles has chosen cremation and interment in Narragansett, RI.  After Easter, at a time selected by the Kitson Family, there will be a Memorial Service at the Christian Brothers Center, Narragansett, RI.  Burial at the Christian Brothers Cemetery in Narragansett will follow the Memorial Service on that day.  The date and time of the above will be sent out when it has been established.

Suffrages for Our Deceased Brother Charles

District: 50 masses
Provincialate community: 30 masses
Each community in the District: 1 mass

Brother Charles died unexpectedly but peacefully in his sleep while attending the Regional Conference of Christian Brothers meeting in Napa, CA. There was no indication that he experienced any distress. May he rest in peace.