J-49089Dear Lasallians,

I am very happy to share with you the news that Brother Dennis Lee has very generously accepted the invitation of the District Leadership Team to return to DENA to serve the remainder of Brother Charles Kitson’s term as Auxiliary Visitor for Community Life and Formation.

We were of one mind to ask Brother Dennis to give some prayerful thought to our extraordinary invitation. His immediate reply was that he could think of fifteen other Brothers he could recommend, but his answer to our invitation was “so — simply — YES”!

Brother Dennis’ plan for the coming year was to continue to work in advancement for Christ the Teacher Institute for Education (CTIE) at Tangaza University College in Nairobi, and to continue to accompany the Lwanga District Scholastics, but based more out of the USA than Kenya. We are committed to support him in this service. Both Lwanga and DENA Districts are making accommodations which will allow this to happen. We are very grateful to Brother Ghebreyesus Habte, Visitor of Lwanga, and to Brother Paulos Welday, Director of CTIE, for their support.

We are blessed to have such a good man and such a wonderful Brother as Dennis return to us now. While Charlie’s loss to us is irreplaceable, Dennis’ relational history with us, his warmth and many gifts, his great energy for the Lasallian Mission, and his “yes” are already a healing balm and a great source of hope as we go forward.

From May through August, Brother Dennis will split his time between the USA and Kenya. He will begin his full time ministry in DENA in early September.

Please join me in welcoming and thanking our brother Dennis for his most generous response!

Live Jesus in our hearts!

Brother Dennis Malloy, FSC