District Council Member

frank-byrneBrother Francis Gerard Byrne (Brother Frank) is an all around man of great commitment and integrity. He is totally absorbed in his job and offers countless hours as President of Christian Brothers Academy in Lincroft, New Jersey. As a 1975 CBA graduate, Frank surely feels right at home serving as President.

Frank unites both prayer and work to an exemplary degree. He’s authentic. Described as “the real deal,” he is undoubtedly an ideal successor to the former President of CBA, Brother Andrew O’Gara, FSC. Most of all, Brother Frank is a man of the utmost loyalty to his family.

Frank grew up in Shrewsbury, New Jersey in a loving and caring family of five children. He attended St. James Elementary School in Red Bank, with his brother and sisters. After graduating from CBA he attended Notre Dame University—one of the four generations of Byrnes to do so.

Over the years, Frank has consistently exercised the preferential opinion for the needy and the poor. He began his ministry as a math/religion teacher and track coach at St. Raymond’s in the Bronx. A few years later he moved onto work at La Salle Academy in Manhattan. Frank returned to St. Raymond’s as assistant principal and then principal. Brother Frank also served as Vocation Director for the legacy New York District, and from 2002-2009 served as the Visitor. Brother Frank continues to teach Religion and Math at CBA in addition to his duties as President.

According to a parent of two boys enrolled at Christian Brothers Academy: “I believe that Brother Frank is a great gift from God for the good of the school and the student body. He is a positive role model because he preaches with his life and what he believes in his heart. He doesn’t just speak about the Faith, he lives it—and the students see that. They see that one can be important and influential, yet be humble in front of God. Brother Frank teaches the boys to be successful, yet kind and caring toward others. We are grateful that our faith is alive through Brother Frank and all the Brothers at CBA!”

Frank is steeped in New Jersey lore, and knows Monmouth County inside out, conscious and involved with its history and present day challenges. When other Brothers travel locally with him— “Just ask Frank” or “Check it out with Frank” are common statements.

On his time off, Frank enjoys golfing and gardening. He’s, indeed, a passionate golfer and certainly takes pride in growing his own vegetables. Frank enjoys sports and, due to his background, is a rabid Notre Dame fan. Frank can be heard exercising his musical side, squeezing the bagpipes with Manhattan College’s Pipes and Drums Band. Most importantly, one can often catch him down by the shore spending quality time with his family.

Brother Franks’ actions reflect and illuminate the beliefs and teachings of what living Lasallian is truly about. He is committed to the educational mission of the De La Salle Christian Brothers, inspired by the spirit of the Founder, St. John Baptist de La Salle.