1922 – 2015

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042115 Brother Isaac Perez

Words of Remembrance for Brother Isaac Perez, FSC

Delivered by Brother Jules Knight, FSC
April 23, 2015
Mass of Christian Burial
De La Salle Hall, Lincroft, NJ

The Republic of Cuba recently captured everyone’s interest as it engulfed national press. Once again after much negotiating, this island country in the Caribbean and our own America opened their doors and hearts to one another.

Today, here in Lincroft, in a very different way and for a very different reason, let us turn our thoughts to Cuba and open our hearts to Isaac Romualdo Perez. Let us try to picture him as one in a family of twenty children roaming around the varied landscapes of Cuba’s largest island and capital, Havana, where he was born on February 7, 1922.

Let us envision him enjoying the surf and the scenery, as well as the searching of this boy who whose quest led him to the Brothers of the Christian Schools Formation House in Havana. Embracing his new life, Isaac journeyed on to become a teacher, a principal, and Director before he entered into the second novitiate in 1956.

In 1961, during the communist takeover of Cuba, Isaac left for America. Like other Cuban exile Brothers, Isaac had a concept of the vocation of the Brother in which the dignity of teaching and learning meant a great deal. Isaac lived his vocation, while remaining humble and self-effacing, but always engaged in what he believed to be a noble work, God’s work.

La Salle High School in Miami, and later, La Salle in Bayamon, Puerto Rico welcomed him. Isaac’s travels later took him to St. Peter’s in Staten Island in 1966. In 1970 he was officially assigned to the New York District. Within that District, he taught at Queen of Peace, North Arlington, Lincoln Hall, and Paramus Catholic. It was during this time that we saw Isaac’s delight in raising his colorful, prize winning canaries. In 1995, Isaac came to teach at Christian Brothers Academy in Lincroft, and moving a short way across campus a decade later to De La Salle Hall, Isaac lived out his remaining years walking three miles a day, feeding the birds outside his bedroom window, and helping out wherever needed.

But, let us not forget Isaac’s noteworthy project that occupied much of his energy and focus during his time here. For his Brothers, for DENA, he tirelessly assembled the memorial cards of deceased Brothers into several binders. He was always in search of any missing cards! Isaac did this for us with such care, thoroughness, and devotion – qualities that reflected his approach to anything he undertook, as well as Isaac’s love for his vocation.

Having lived in Cuba or within close proximity for almost forty years, let us imagine how difficult it had to be for Isaac to leave it all and embrace a foreign land as his own. In embracing that “foreign land,” he also embraced all of us, his new Brothers. For those who knew him, Isaac

was a source of edification through his commitment to his prayer life as well as to his daily service to us, his brothers.

We knew Isaac’s great devotion to Our Blessed Lady as evidenced in his praying the rosary during his daily walks around the Lincroft property. Always most considerate of older Brothers, he was first to ask that he accompany a Brother who was visiting another in the hospital and it was Isaac’s special ministry to pray at the bedside of a dying Brother.

We are a better District because of Isaac’s presence among us.

We salute you, Brother Isaac, for your spirit of courage, faith, and zeal! We remember you as a Brother for others! Be at rest with our Founder, and our Brothers who welcome you home from the good journey … Being at rest, Isaac!

These Words of Remembrance are a Group effort of:
Brother Jerome Sullivan, FSC
Ms. Carroll Bennett (DENA Administrative Assistant)
Brother Charles O’Connell, FSC
Brother Jules Knight, FSC

Please pray for the happy repose of the soul of Brother Isaac Perez, FSC

Born Isaac Romualdo Perez in Nuevitas Camaguey, Cuba on February 7, 1922

Entered the Havana Juniorate on March 18, 1937, and Novitiate on June 15, 1939

Received the Religious Habit and Name, Brother Bernardino Leon, on October 6, 1939

Pronounced Perpetual Vows in Havana, CUBA, in 1944


Br. Isaac died at De La Salle Hall, Lincroft, NJ, on April 20, 2015



Thursday, April 23, 2015

Viewing beginning at 10:00 am
Mass of Christian Burial at 11:00 am

De La Salle Hall
810 Newman Springs Road
Lincroft, NJ 07738-1608

Burial at St. Gabriel’s Cemetery, Marlboro, NJ



District: 100 masses
De La Salle Hall community: 30 masses
Each community in the District: 1 mass

Brother Isaac died peacefully in his room at De La Salle Hall during the evening while in palliative care. May he rest in peace.



Santiago, Cuba
Collegio La Salle

Havana, Cuba
La Salle School

Havana, Cuba

Havana, Cuba

Havana, Cuba
La Salle Marianao

second novitiate
Rome, Italy

Havana, Cuba
La Salle Academy

director general
Havana, Cuba
Formation House

Guantanamo, Cuba
Sacred Heart School

Miami, FL
La Salle High School

Bayamon, PR
La Salle School

Staten Island, NY
St. Peter’s Boys High School

June 1970
Assigned to the New York District

North Arlington, NJ
Queen of Peace High School

Lincolndale, NY
Lincoln Hall

Paramus, NJ
Paramus Catholic High School

Milano, Italy
Instituto Gonzaga

Paramus, NJ
Paramus Catholic High School

Lincroft, NJ
Christian Brothers Academy

Lincroft, NJ
De La Salle Hall