Words of Remembrance for Brother Isidore Wasylenchuk, FSC

Given by Brother Domenic, FSC
Tuesday, February 21, 2017

“Let the time for the parting be sweet. Let it not be a death but a completeness. Let love melt into memory and pain into songs. Let the flight through the sky end in the folding of the wings over the nest. Let the last touch of your hands be gentle like the flowers of the night.”

Born in 1925 in Stenen, Saskatchewan, the young man who in 1943 would assume the name Brother Simon Isidore and live to the ripe old age of ninety-one, passed on to his eternal reward during the night of February 17th. Today, his Brothers, family and friends mourn the loss of a dedicated and faithful Brother of the Christian Schools, affectionately known to his Brothers as “Izzy”.

After his training as a Brother, Brother Isidore returned to Saskatchewan and served at St. Joseph’s College in Yorkton. It was here that he would spend almost thirty years off and on, as teacher, director and principal. It is worth noting that in addition to a few assignments elsewhere, Brother Isidore served at St. Martin’s Secondary School in St. Vincent on two occasions. Much later in life, and to his great credit, Brother isidore would go off to Ukraine where he spent three years helping re-establish Christian education in the post-communist era. The Brothers, in particular, are aware of the great contribution Brother Isidore woufd make to district service as bursar. He thoughtfully and diligently brought his financial expertise to this area of need in the former District of Toronto for many years. Later, when many others were content with passing their retirement outside of school work, Brother Isidore continued to offer his help and advice in the Business Office at De La Salle Oaklands. It was here that in some real sense for him he found a renewed sense of purpose and drive. I am personally very thankful for both his assistance at the school but most importantly for the positive and cheerful influence he had on our students and staff.

On a more personal note, I got to know Brother Isidore during his time as district bursar. Like most bursars, he shared in their characteristics. Always determined to make things work and always to approach things from the perspective of a holy frugality. I recall one instance in particular when he and I went off to Windsor where we had sold two houses. Isidore rented a van and we travelled to our destination where we would remove as much as the two of us could in order to bring back items that would then be distributed to other communities. While we were there Brother Isidore noticed a washer and dryer that seemed relatively new. He let me know that he was determined not to leave them behind. Well, I thought to myself unless he has someone else coming to help us, there was no way we would get these things on the van. I had clearly underestimated both his determination and strength. Needless to say, we left Windsor with them. I think it was this same sense of determination that kept him going later on when he could have taken advantage of his long service and retired.

We know Brother Isidore enjoyed reading mystery novels and westerns. Recently, he admitted to me that he regretted not be able to read as he would have liked. Each year in the days when he travelled out West, he would stock up on his music cassettes to play on these long road trips.

From my observation and experience, Brother Isidore was gentle, gracious and appreciative of what others did for him. He was definitely someone in whom you could confide and ask for advice. He had many friends, enjoyed the company of others and I believe he really liked being a Brother. In the document: “Rejoice” issued during the year on Consecrated Life, we as religious are reminded that faithful discipleship is grace and love in action; it is the practice of sacrificial charity. It seems to me that Brother Isidore possessed a genuine sense of this giving to others. I am sure that Brother Isidore had his fair share of trials and challenges but he was able with grace and love to persevere in his doubts and difficulties. The fidelity and self-emptying he demonstrated in life now brings him to rejoice in the marvel and wonder of the Paschal event.

Divine Providence with whom Brother Isidore now is, is not an end for there is no end. He is not what he was but he cannot lose what he has gained through the love and mercy of his Lord – a Master he served so well, so long, so generously and so faithfully. Now Lord, look with kindness and mercy on this son of St. John Baptist de La Salle and may this faithful servant go in your peace.

Please pray for the repose of the soul of Brother Isidore Wasylenchuk, FSC

Born Elgin William Wasylenchuk in Stenen, Saskatchewan, CANADA, on December 31, 1925

Entered the Aurora Juniorate on September 27, 1942, and Novitiate on July 2, 1943

Received the Religious Habit and Name, Brother Simon Isidore, on September 5, 1943

Pronounced Perpetual Vows in Jackson Point, Ontario, CANADA on August 24, 1950

Died at Loretto Abbey in Toronto, Ontario, CANADA, on February 17, 2017



Loretto Abbey Chapel
101 Mason Boulevard
Toronto, Ontario, CANADA M5M 3E2

Monday, February 20, 2017

Viewing from 3:00 pm – 7:30 pm; prayer service at 7:30 pm

Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Mass of Christian Burial at 11:00 am

Burial at Holy Cross Cemetery,
Thornhill, Ontario CANADA


District: 100 masses
Loretto Abbey community: 30 masses
Each community in the District: 1 mass

Brother Isidore passed away unexpectedly during the evening from congestive heart failure. May he rest in peace.


Yorkton, Saskatchewan
St. Joseph College

Montreal, Quebec
D’Arcy McGee High School

Yorkton, Saskatchewan
St. Joseph College

Yorkton, Saskatchewan
St. Joseph College
teacher and director

Warsaw, POLAND
University of Warsaw

St. Vincent, WEST INDIES
St. Martin Senior School

Yorkton, Saskatchewan
St. Joseph College

Yorkton, Saskatchewan
St. Joseph’s College

Toronto, Ontario
De La Salle College “Oaklands”

Toronto, Ontario
La Salle Hall Community
district bursar

St. Vincent, WEST INDIES
St. Martin Senior School
principal and director

Toronto, Ontario
De La Salle College “Oaklands”

Don Mills, Ontario
O’Connor House
district bursar

Vinnitsa, UKRAINE
Member of a new community
evangelization and teaching

Don Mills, Ontario
O’Connor House

Toronto, Ontario
De La Salle College “Oaklands”
business office

Scarborough, Ontario
La Salle Manor

Toronto, Ontario
Loretto Abbey