Brother James at the podium for La Salle Military Academy alumni association.

Br. James expresses his gratitude to the La Salle Military Academy alumni gathered.

Long Island, NY – Congratulations to Brother James Dries, FSC, who was honored by the La Salle Military Academy Alumni Foundation. At their annual reunion on April 26, the organization recognized Brother James as the “Person of the Year”.

For Brother James, La Salle Military Academy was his first teaching assignment when he graduated college and started his teaching ministry.

“The community of Brothers at La Salle Military formed me as a Brother,” said Br. James.  “The Brothers and the faculty at LSMA modeled good teaching for me and much of what I learned about young people, teaching and working with them, I learned from the students at LSMA. My years at La Salle Military Academy were my formation as a De La Salle Christian Brother. If anything, they all deserve recognition, not me.”

La Salle Military Academy concluded its 118 year history with the graduation of the Class of 2001. The alumni continue to get together annually.

Brother James holding his award with LSMA graduates Nash Roe and Anthony De Simone flanking him.

Br. James holding his award with LSMA graduates Nash Roe and Anthony De Simone.