Mission Executive Council

The road back to the Northeast and Manhattan College is part of an extensive James-Wallaceand varied career for Brother James Wallace, FSC. His numerous roles as educator, Director, Headmaster, Vice Principal, Academic Dean, and Auxiliary Visitor, both here in the District of Eastern North America and in our ministries in Africa, make Brother James no stranger to the word Mission.

With his Baccalaureate from Catholic University, Masters in Education from Canisius College, and Doctorate from Syracuse University, coupled with just some of his experiences at St. Joseph’s Collegiate Institute and Christian Brothers Academy in western New York, La Salle Institute, Troy, and overseas at diverse ministries such as St. Brendan’s School and La Salle College in South Africa, and the Christian Brothers Lwanga District Scholasticate and Provincialate in Nairobi, Kenya, Br. James is a strong and welcome Lasallian presence as he steps into his role as a Mission Executive Council member.

Born in Addison, NY and raised in Syracuse, Br. James knew he wanted to become a Christian Brother his sophomore year of high school. “I did some outreach work in a home for abandoned children and coached a Little League team,” said Br. James. “Br. Patrick Gardner, the vocation director of the (Legacy) New York District of the Brothers, was a good friend of mine and my parents. “

With his extensive administrative experience and broad international perspective, Br. James is in charge of developing and implementing new and existing programs at Manhattan College that focus on bringing the educational community together to discuss and celebrate its Lasallian tradition, as the Vice-President for Mission.