1940 – 2016

Words of Remembrance for Brother John Wilson, FSC

By Brother Edward Phelan, FSC
Mass of Christian Burial
Christian Brothers Academy
Brothers’ Residence
Albany, New York
December 22, 2016

The Pilgrim Prince
Brother John Wilson, FSC

On June 30, 1958, John and I and thirty-seven other wonderful young high school graduates met along the bank of the Hudson River at Barrytown, New York, to begin our spiritual training to be Christian Brothers. Over the next five years the group hung together for our college years in Troy and Washington, DC.

At that point we all went in different directions and made a life for ourselves. Those like John and I and a goodly number of others remained within the Christian Brothers’ Family. For me, I settled in the Bronx, New York, where I have stayed for all those years. John, on the other hand, became a twentieth century pilgrim. He often reminded me of Ulysses who traveled far and wide across the world, but always returned home, but only to start out again soon.

So, in the early 60’s he left the Capital District for assignments in the Motor City of Michigan; and before long, it was the Twin Cities on the Mississippi, and then to the home of the Rose Bowl in Pasadena on the Pacific, and finally, after a stay at a school near the Meadowlands of New Jersey, back home to Albany in the early 70’s.

Then in the early 80’s he was off in quick succession to the city with the most bars per street—La Crosse, Wisconsin; the land of rock and roll–Memphis, the place where chicken wings became Buffalo wings; to the town where Poe wrote Annabel Lee—Bronx, NY; to the home of Luigi’s famous pizza in Lincroft, NJ, to the famous Shakespeare Festival town of Syracuse, and finally, back to Albany for the last few years.

And out again for one final day in New Jersey!!!

John was a master student, master teacher, master administrator, a master counselor. He earned more degrees than Carter had pills; that is, a Doctorate in Ministry, and three Master’s degrees.

None of you is surprised to hear he was a number one student in his graduating class at La Salle Institute while also being the Cadet Colonel. I am confident he was a straight A student in all graduate courses. John had high standards for himself and for those he worked with and supervised. He knew the way things should be and the proper place for everything—like a prince. But recently, he was changing.

Throughout life he found it hard to reconcile his standards with the human condition that he came face to face with in institutions, in teachers, in co-workers, and really, in himself. But recently he was changing.

This change could be seen in how he ministered to the men and women at Teresian House over the past year. He simply was present to them. He had no standards. He accepted their human condition. He prayed with them. His ministry was presence.

Jane (his sister), I, and a few other friends sat with John a little over a week ago to help him plan his next trip away from home, the final one. At one point he looked at me and said, “I have not been a very good Brother.” And added, “I do not understand all this suffering that God has allowed.” He followed with an open handed gesture of deep down acceptance. In those moments he taught me the meaning of life. He taught me that God loves us in a very special way when we suffer or are in pain or are in trouble or otherwise out of control of our own life.

As he spoke I had enough sense to keep my mouth shut but my eyes fell on Jane and Brother Jack Farrell, two of John’s long time companions who helped him in so many ways to come to the words he uttered and the open heart gesture he made. They understood. Thank you, Jack and Jane.

On Monday of this week, John set out again on another pilgrimage to New Jersey. He settled into his new home, enjoyed Mass, a social and dinner with some old friends, especially a lengthy conversation with Brother Mike Fitzgibbon, went to bed, and as he had done so often before, went home at 6:15 on Tuesday morning. John, live in our hearts forever.

Please pray for the repose of the soul of Brother John Wilson, FSC

Born John Joseph Wilson in Troy, NY, on December 29, 1940

Entered the Barrytown, NY, Novitiate on June 30, 1958

Received the Religious Habit and Name, Brother Michael John, on September 7, 1958

Pronounced Perpetual Vows at Manhattan College, Riverdale, NY in 1965.

Died at De La Salle Hall, Lincroft, NJ on December 20, 2016


Thursday, December 22, 2016

Viewing from 11:00 am – 1:00 pm

Christian Brothers Academy Brothers’ Residence
12A Airline Drive
Albany, NY 12205-1004

Mass of Christian Burial at 1:00 pm

Burial at St. Agnes Cemetery, Menands, NY


District: 50 masses
Christian Brothers Academy community: 30 masses
Each community in the District: 1 mass

Brother John passed away peacefully less than twenty-four hours after arriving at De La Salle Hall. May he rest in peace.


Albany, NY
Christian Brothers Academy

Detroit, MI
De La Salle Collegiate

West St. Paul, MN
Brady High School

Pasadena, CA
La Salle High School

Albany, NY
Christian Brothers Academy

North Arlington, NJ
Queen of Peace High School

Albany, NY
residence at Christian Brothers Academy

Albany, NY
Leave of Absence

Albany, NY
Christian Brothers Academy

assistant superintendent
La Crosse, WI
Diocese of La Crosse

Charleston, WV
Charleston Catholic High School

superintendent of schools
La Crosse, WI
Diocese of La Crosse

North Arlington, NJ
Queen of Peace High School

Memphis, TN
Christian Brothers College

Buffalo, NY
St. Joseph Collegiate

director of parish planning
Bronx, NY
Archdiocesan School Board

Syracuse, NY
Christian Brothers Academy

Boston, MA
Archdiocesan Schools Office

Buffalo, NY
St. Joseph Collegiate

Bronx, NY
Manhattan College

Lincroft, NJ
Christian Brothers Academy

parish counseling
Bronx, NY
St. Raymond

middle states coordinator
Syracuse, NY
Christian Brothers Academy

Troy, NY
La Salle Institute

Syracuse, NY
Christian Brothers Academy

pastoral work
Albany, NY
Christian Brothers Academy residence

Lincroft, NJ
De La Salle Hall