Brother Joseph takes the final step in the discernment process of permanently joining The Institute of the Brothers of the Christian Schools

Brother Joseph, along with Brother Visitor, sign the Formula of Vows for The Brothers of the Christian Schools.

The Formula of Vows, signed by Brother Joseph, makes him a permanent member of The Brothers of the Christian Schools.

As is custom, Brothers are invited to embrace and welcome their newest members. Here, Brother Leo Smith, FSC (left), congratulates Brother Joseph on this momentous occasion.

Brother Joseph Juliano, FSC (center) celebrates with his San Miguel Camden Community during a reception, following the Liturgy. (left to right: Brother Joseph Mahon, FSC, Ms. Kathleen McNulty, and Ms. Jennifer Tyndall, Lasallian Volunteers, and Brother Patrick Cassidy, FSC.
10/30/10 – Philadelphia, PA – On the campus of La Salle University,in the city of Philadelphia, not a seat was to be had in the De La Salle Chapel. Family, friends, Brothers, and Lasallians from across the District of Eastern North America, and across the United States and Toronto Region gathered in celebration, as Joseph William Juliano professed perpetual vows. As of Saturday, October 30, 2010, Brother Joseph is a permanent member of The Institute of the Brothers of the Christian Schools.
A part of the Liturgy of Perpetual Profession, presided by Reverend Matthew Hillyard, OSFS, with Brother Dennis Malloy, FSC, Visitor for The District of Eastern North America conducting the Rite of Profession, family members, and over 75 Brothers from across the Institute gathered in God’s presence to participate in this important occasion.
After his novitiate year in Napa, California, Brother Joseph professed annual vows in 2005, as part of the Brothers’ formation process. During this time, Brother Joseph served as a teacher at Central Catholic High School in Pittsburgh, PA, interned at San Miguel Middle School in Minneapolis, MN, and is currently the President of the San Miguel School in Camden, NJ, since 2008.
With blessings from the Brothers, Joseph gave honor to and promised to keep the Mission of The Institute, reciting and signing the Formula of Vows for The Brothers of the Christian Schools.
The Profession of Vows
Most Holy Trinity, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, prostrate with the most profound respect before your infinite and adorable majesty, I consecrate myself entirely to you to procure your glory as far as I shall be able and as you will require of me.
For this purpose, I, (name), promise and vow to unite myself, and to remain in society with the Brothers of the Christian Schools who are associated to conduct, together and by association, schools for the service of the poor. I promise to go wherever I may be sent and to do whatever I may be assigned by the body of the Society or its superiors.
Wherefore, I promise and vow association for the service of the poor through education, chastity, poverty, obedience, and stability in the Institute according to the Bull of Approbation and the Rule of the Institute.
I promise to keep these vows faithfully all my life.
Bro Joe congratulation on the occasion of your final vows. May The Spirit of Christ walk with you and bless every step to happiness.
Greetings from Malta
Brother Saviour Gatt FSC