0111_josephmcquaidEulogy given by Br. Vincent Hogan, FSC

Brother Joseph McQuaid was born in August 1912 into a strong Catholic Family. He grew up in that Irish Community north of London which includes Seaforth, Dublin and St. Columban. From this faith filled area have come numerous Priests, Brothers and Sisters. Little surprise then that two of the McQuaid boys offered their service to the Church – Tom to the Scarboro Missions, Joe to the De La Salle Brothers.

His formation years began at Aurora in 1925. Here he completed his high school and the canonical novitiate year. Teaching certification was obtained at Toronto Normal School.

After a brief assignment in London he joined the St. John’s Training School staff then at Victoria Park, Toronto. Destiny would have it that not only here but at Uxbridge as well, he would spend over thirty years, from the main office to the trenches, i.e. the classroom, activity periods, dorms and chapel.

Blessed with boundless energy, athletic ability and self sacrificing attitude, he was generous to both students and colleagues. To all his work he brought excellent organization skills and anticipation of possible difficulties; rarely were they given an opportunity to arise. However, on occasion, a situation of correction presented itself. The admonition began gently enough with “my friend” and ended with “I respect you, you respect me.” It was not the words, but the truth of the statement that proved effective.

As Joe’s principal for a few years I placed high value on his work, but in another area he stood apart. I had no hesitation in directing young teachers to him for help. One of them recalled him this way. “He was the ultimate teacher, producing high quality work from his students. For us we saw him as a dedicated hard worker. What he gave us was direction, security and confidence. The in joke among the young teachers was if Joe’s coat is hanging on the rack things will go well.”

Among the many gifts Brother Joseph brought “to the table” was the ability to organize and direct liturgies in the chapel. In the many communities in which he lived, one could bet that this assignment fell to him. He performed it willingly and with considerable enthusiasm.

At St. John’s this entailed not only looking after the physical aspect but training the altar boys as well. Bishop Morocco on his visits to St. John’s commented that the liturgies he witnessed were quite superior to those in his parishes.

On a daily basis he led the students in prayer in the chapel often accompanied by a brief reflection. Many of his listeners recall them to this day. At Christmas time when the boys were scheduled to go home, he decorated the chapel the night before. It was a thrill to be present to see the reaction of these so called delinquents pay their respects to the Lord. This was Joe’s gift to them.

It is worth noting that Brother Joseph’s expertise was not honed instantly. From 1935 to 1942 he was a teacher and teacher-principal at St. Mary’s and St. Helen’s, Toronto. His appointment as formation Director at age thirty of the young Brothers attending Toronto Normal School attest to the high regard in which he was held.

Other assignments at “Oaklands,” Pembroke and Lachine were equally productive. His religion, geography, typing and business students learned their lessons well.

In retirement now at La Salle Manor, Brother Joseph can no longer maintain the pace he set for many years. He has managed to reconcile himself to being the receiver of care instead of the giver.

De La Salle is proud of this disciple who grasped his message of zeal and followed it.

At Brother Joseph’s 60 Jubilee in 1988 the Brothers paid tribute to him with the following: –

Well done good and faithful Brother

– Supervising house maintenance or organizing the Christmas Carol Concert, sacristan, training alter servers or hosting the weekly town bridge club, daily dish washer for the school over a five-year period of time or volunteer driver for Community Care Services —these are but a few signs, since leaving the classroom and the office of the generous gift of oneself and of dedication to God’s call for help in serving our “community”.

We pray a “well done and thank you” to our Jubilarian, Brother Joseph McQuaid. For sixty years he has been a devoted Brother. Thirty-four of these years have been in service at St. John’s. Brother Joseph also served in Toronto’s Spencer Community for seven years and in Pembroke for eleven years. Other assignments took him to London, Lachine, Benildus Hall and Oaklands.

Brother Joseph is a person gifted with boundless energy, purpose and zeal. He uses these extremely well in all things at all times.

– Dear Joe, we are very grateful and proud to have you as our Brother. It was said by one of the Brothers “Joe injects stability and high standards into the community”.

“Amen” to that!

Please pray for the happy repose of the soul of
Br. Joseph McQuaid, FSC

Born Clarence John McQuaid in St. Columban, Ontario, CANADA, on August 13, 1912

Entered the Aurora Juniorate on September 5, 1925, and Aurora Novitiate on July 1, 1928

Received the Religious Habit Name, Brother Salvatore Joseph, on September 1, 1928

Pronounced Perpetual Vows in Aurora, Ontario, CANADA on August 31, 1937.

Brother Joseph died at La Salle Manor in Scarborough, Ontario, CANADA on December 31, 2010


Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Viewing from 2:00 – 5:00 pm and 7:00 – 9:00 pm
La Salle Manor
61 Fairfax Crescent
Scarborough, Ontario, CANADA M1L 1Z7


Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Mass of Christian Burial at 10:30 am
La Salle Manor
61 Fairfax Crescent
Scarborough, Ontario, CANADA M1L 1Z7

Burial at Holy Cross Cemetery, Toronto, Ontario CANADA


District: 100 masses
La Salle Manor community: 30 masses
Each community in the District: 1 mass

Brother Joseph passed away peacefully at La Salle Manor at the age of 98. He was the oldest Brother in the District of Eastern North America. May he rest in peace.

Tour of Duty

London, Ontario
De La Salle School

Toronto, Ontario
St. John’s School

Toronto, Ontario
Normal School

Toronto, Ontario
St. Mary’s School

Toronto, Ontario
St. Mary’s School

Director of Scholastics
Toronto, Ontario
Benildus Hall


Toronto, Ontario
O’Connor House

Toronto, Ontario
St. John’s School

Pembroke, Ontario
St. Columban

Lachine, PQ
Bishop Whelan

Prefect; Teacher; Assistant Director
Uxbridge, Ontario
St. John’s School

Toronto, Ontario
O’Connor House

Scarborough, Ontario
La Salle Manor


May the soul of Brother Joseph, and all the souls of the faithful departed, rest in peace.