Founder of the San Miguel School educational model takes up District Leadership role

Brother Lawrence Goyette, FSC
Eatontown, NJ – At the approval of the Superior General, Brother Robert Schieler, FSC, Brother Dennis Lee, FSC, Provincial / Visitor of The Brothers of the Christian Schools, District of Eastern North America (DENA) has named Brother Lawrence Goyette, FSC, Auxiliary Visitor. Br. Lawrence steps into the role previously held by Brother Thomas Casey, FSC, who, at Brother Visitor’s request, will take up the President position at La Salle Academy in New York City.
A Brother for more than fifty years, Br. Lawrence is best known as the founder of the San Miguel School educational model and movement. Founding the first San Miguel School, in Providence, Rhode Island, Br. Lawrence’s leadership and vision have created educational opportunities for the most vulnerable of young men. Serving boys in fifth to eighth grade who come from under-served populations, acceptance to the school is need-based. 97% of the San Miguel Schools’ operating costs are provided by private charitable support. Families contribute an average tuition of $700 per year to help with the school’s operation. Since its inception in 1993, the San Miguel model has been replicated throughout the Lasallian Educational network at eleven ministries across the country.
“I am thrilled that Br. Lawrence has agreed to serve as Auxiliary Visitor,” said Br. Dennis. “Br. Lawrence is forward thinking, and totally dedicated to our mission; he is enthusiastic about the youth we serve; and he is deeply pastoral with Brothers and Lasallians. His good humor, creativity, and organizational skills will be of great benefit throughout DENA.”
“Once I recovered from the surprise of Br. Dennis’ invitation to serve as Auxiliary Visitor of DENA, I welcomed the opportunity to support our Visitor, a man of faith and integrity whom I have known and respected for the past fifty plus years,” said Br. Lawrence. “I love deeply the Brothers of our District and the scores of Lasallian Partners I have interacted with over the years. While the task ahead is daunting, I welcome the challenges that await me. As St. La Salle once said, ‘Do not have any anxiety about the future. Leave everything in God’s hands for he will take care of you.’”
Since stepping down as the founding Executive Director of the San Miguel School for more than twenty years, Br. Lawrence acted as a full time consultant and assistant in founding the De La Salle Academy (a San Miguel School) in Concord, California, and later as an advisor to the national Lasallian Volunteer program. Most recently serving as the Director for the Manhattan College Brothers’ Community, Br. Lawrence is lauded for the pastoral care of his fellow Christian Brothers. As Auxiliary Visitor, Br. Lawrence will help continue to implement the District’s Vision 2020+ Strategic Plan, notably in the Association/Formation initiatives. Brother’s leadership will play an important role in the upcoming District-wide Association Celebration taking place on Friday, November 8, 2019.
Congrats, Lars!
Thank you, John!
Thanks, John!
Felicitations to Brother Lawrence
We hope this new position will bring you back to the Ocean State more often.
Congrats, brother Lawrence! Thanks for sharing the good news. Hope to see you soon.
Congratulations Br. Lawrence.
Dear Brother Lawrence,
Congratulations on your appointment, and thank you for your acceptance of it. Your leadership in every venture of your religious life has produced abundant fruit.
You will be a great support to Br. Dennis and the Leadership Team, and I know that your creativity and innovative spirit will lead DENA into new and great vistas.
Frank Brancato
Larry: Your old St. Margaret’s school chum would love to connect during this strange confinement time. Have heard of your good work for the Lord. Some day we should connect. I live now in Montreal. You are good French Canadian people. My family too – we were Irish, Polish, Lithuanian, French Canadian, Italian and Portuguese. It would be good to talk about our Sisters of Mercy and of course. I went to the Sem in 10th grade but needed to leave to go to EP in 11th and 12th grade. Anyway, would love to talk, yes and catch up after too many years. Here’s to brothers in Christ. Tommy Connors
Hello! Is Brother Lawrence still in this role/available to contact here? I was his student in 1990-1991 in Providence and was reflecting on his incredibly positive impact on the course of my life. I’d love to get in touch with him if possible!