1212-lomond-lavigneGiven by
Br. Dominic Viggiani, FSC

When I pass, speak freely of my shortcomings and flaws. Learn from them, or I’ll have no ego to injure. (Aaron McGruder)

Brother Lomond was born in God’s country, the Ottawa Valley, where once upon a time the strong faith of the people of this area produced many vocations to the religious life. I remember Lomond telling me one time that he was inspired as a young lad to become a Brother of the Christian Schools, having seen in the street a group of Brothers going off to school. He became a junior novice in 1950 and took the habit of the Brothers in 1952. By 1956, barely twenty-one years of age, Lomond began what was to become a long period spanning four decades as a teacher at De La Salle College “Oaklands”.

Despite little time for post-secondary studies, Brother Lomond would exercise many jobs at the school. In addition to his teaching assignments, he would drive the bus for the boarders; work at the Camp; lead the Drum and Bugle Corps; and assist with many of the school’s successful musical productions. Lomond was a conscientious teacher and a tireless worker. He was instrumental in starting the annual Christmas food drive for the Good Shepherd Refuge, a tradition which continues to this day. It seems to me that, for many years, Lomond enjoyed the apostolate of the school where he found his happiness in the routine things of school life. Stubborn, impetuous, and temperamental are all words that would describe his character. However, so would the words: industrious, thoughtful, generous, and solicitous. These words would be equally true. Recently, a former student made a point of telling me how much he appreciated a visit from Lomond while he was in the hospital after undergoing a serious operation. Many similar acts of kindness are remembered by his former students. I always recall how he would make sure that Brother Michael Sr. could visit his brother every summer. Not unlike many who embrace the religious life, Lomond’s life would be filled with many productive years but with no shortage of personal trials and struggles. Brother Lomond lived a simple life and I think it is true that despite what could be described as an imposing presence, he was also retiring and strangely uncomplicated.

It is simply true that his life for a great many years was difficult and challenging. But, then, no life is without trials, tribulations, temptations, and perils. Such aspects of life here on earth are not refined for us, or for that matter, limited to the spiritual elite. These are the things of everyday living and the lot for most of us. These things touch us all. A trial of faith means our faith is tried by darkness, temptations to doubt, to indifference. A trial of faith does not come accompanied with the assurance that everything will turn out all right. The point is that we do not know that everything is all right, and we do not experience such things in this manner. They are all too real. They were no doubt real for Lomond. The trials of life do not come neatly packaged, nor are they necessarily expected. Similarly, the temptations to disobedience, chastity, or even lack of faith, are things to which, if we have any sense of humility, we know we are capable of yielding. There is no secure tower within ourselves which is always protected from pain and darkness. St. John of the Cross reminds us that so few people advance in prayer because we are inclined to run away from trials and struggles. God allows us to be tried by small things, and finding that most are not capable of bearing what is sent, in his mercy he leaves us where we are. And so, if God leaves us where we are, then we know we are very far from uniting our will to the will of God. Of course, we understand, in theory at least, that if we are to advance in the spiritual life, we must learn to accept trials and difficulties. We must resolve, for the love of Christ crucified, to will the cross as it shows itself in our life. And the cross in our life will not come marked with a ticket saying: “This is the cross of Christ.” Nor will it come with any assurance that the cross we bear will be fruitful and efficacious. The cross will come and press hard, we can lose all sense that our life is worthwhile, and we may become convinced that we have lost our way. We may even give in to despair.

No rational person would want to live in such a state, even if he believed it was for his own good. Brother Lomond’s life, like our own, reminds us that the gate is narrow and the road is hard. But it is the gate and it is the road that leads to a good beyond anything we could have dreamed of or hoped for. God does not suffer us to be tried beyond our strength. Of course, we can never be sure, but let us pray that Lomond’s crosses became those of our Lord and that in some way, he found his Saviour in these crosses. Out of the acceptance of the cross of Christ in our life comes the peace of knowing we are on the road where Jesus comforts, supports, and rescues us along the way. Perhaps, in his last years, the atmosphere here and the kindness which surrounded Lomond at the Manor brought him along this road. We are indeed grateful to the caregivers and staff for looking after Lomond so well, especially in his last illness. Now we commend him to the Lord whom he vowed to serve in the Christian education of youth, and may the same loving Lord of whom it was written long ago: Thou O good Jesus, didst make laughter amidst our tears, and music for us in thine own lament, grant your servant Lomond with your mercy and compassion. May he rest in peace.

Please pray for the happy repose of the soul of
Br. Lomond Lavigne, FSC

Born Lomond Michael Lavigne in Ottawa, Ontario, CANADA, on November 18, 1935

Entered the Aurora Juniorate on September 6, 1950, and Aurora Novitiate in July, 1952

Received the Religious Habit and Name, Brother Sanctus Lomon, on August 31, 1952

Pronounced Perpetual Vows in North York, Ontario, CANADA on September 1, 1960

Brother Lomond died at La Salle Manor in Scarborough, Ontario, CANADA, on December 21, 2012


Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Viewing from 2:00 – 5:00 pm and 7:00 – 9:00pm

La Salle Manor
61 Fairfax Crescent
Scarborough, Ontario, CANADA M1L 1Z7

Thursday, December 27, 2012

Mass of Christian Burial at 11:00 am

Burial at Holy Cross Cemetery,
Toronto, Ontario CANADA


District: 50 masses
De La Salle Manor community: 30 masses
Each community in the District: 1 mass

Brother Lomond passed away peacefully at La Salle Manor, where he returned after being treated for a blood disorder during a five-week hospital stay. May he rest in peace.

Tour of Duty

Toronto, Ontario
De La Salle College “Oaklands”

Windsor, Ontario
University of Windsor

Toronto, Ontario
De La Salle College “Oaklands”

renewal (Feb. – May)
Santa Fe, NM, USA
Sangre de Cristo Center

Toronto, Ontario
De La Salle College “Oaklands”

renewal (Jan. – June)
CIL Program

Toronto, Ontario
De La Salle College “Oaklands”

Scarborough, Ontario
La Salle Manor

May the soul of Brother Lomond, and all the souls of the faithful departed, rest in peace.