Words of Remembrance for Brother Mark Lowery, FSC

Given by Brother Michael Andrejko, FSC
Mass of Christian Burial
Saint Rosalia Church
Pittsburgh, PA
May 27, 2021

Suffice it to say that there are so many people in the immediate and extended Lowery families that to name all of you would take up the whole reflection time for Mark and he would be happy with that. He loved each and every one of you so very much. On behalf of the Christian Brothers, our very deepest and sincere sympathies as you all mourn the death of your beloved uncle and our beloved Brother, Mark.

Mark Lowery was a man for others. His focus was on people and not on things. He always thought of others first and himself second. It should not come as a surprise then that Mark joined the Christian Brothers right out of Central Catholic High School when he was of the ripe young age of eighteen. Hailing from Central and from Greenfield, yes from this very parish, Mark entered the novitiate for the Christian Brothers in Ammendale, MD September 7, 1955.

Bro. Mark earned both his bachelor’s and master’s degrees from La Salle University in Philadelphia, and quickly dived into teaching and ministering as a Christian Brother. Degrees were simply a means to an end for Mark . . . being Brother by ministering to young people. Shortly after his beginning years, Mark moved into administration at West Philadelphia Catholic Boys High School as Vice Principal and then on to Bishop Walsh in Cumberland, Maryland as Principal. Then back to his beloved Central Catholic for forty years where he served as teacher and alumni director, finishing his years of active ministry working with men who were in trouble with the law, as well as students at Central who had challenges with drugs and alcohol. The common string here again is that it was always about other people. That is what gave Bro. Mark joy, contentment, and peace. It gave him the energy to be Brother for the past sixty-five years.

Many of us here today knew the Mark that was always happy to see us. Words that come to mind when thinking about Mark: loving, compassionate, listener, generous with time and energy to a fault, forgiving, and selfless. The most important trait that our Brother Mark left us was his humanness. It was because of his humanness that Mark was able to help and touch so many people in his life. It was because of his humanness that he stumbled and fell. Most importantly he modeled picking oneself up and starting all over again, with aplomb, dignity, a firm belief in God and character. Indeed, he lived the serenity prayer each day: “God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can and the wisdom to know the difference.” A mutual friend once described Mark to me as “a real twelve stepper.” Thank you, Mark for showing us how to treat, forgive, support and love each other. Thank you, Mark, for showing us that the path to the holy and spiritual is by living out our humanness. Thank you, Mark for being an older Brother to each one of us especially in our time of need.

What an appropriate Gospel passage that was read earlier from the Gospel of St. John – Do you love me? Mark never needed to say it, his actions spoke that he loved deeply.

Mark loved community. That was always evident in the time, energy, and effort he put into living with the Brothers and with his family. Mark was energized just being with people and was always ready for a party! How many people in this Church today will ever forget Uncle Mark’s peperoni bread, hard tack candy at Christmas, banana nut bread, Irish soda bread, brownies, or his spaghetti and meatball dinners? His day was always made just bringing people together and seeing them happy!

My image of Mark is that of Jesus holding a lamb. Mark was always holding one us in his arms many times without us even noticing him. Thank you Mark for following the loving, compassionate master so many years of your life. Now He holds you in a loving embrace . . .forever!

St. John Baptist De La Salle . . . pray for us!

Brother Mark’s Funeral Program

Please Pray for the Repose of the Soul of  Brother Mark Lowery, FSC

1937 – 2021

Born Mark Paul Lowery in Pittsburgh PA on 16 April 1937
Entered the Ammendale MD Novitiate on 15 June 1955
Received the Religious Habit and Name Edwin Mark on 7 September 1955
Pronounced Perpetual Vows in Ammendale MD in 1962
Died at De La Salle Hall in Lincroft NJ on 21 May 2021


Wednesday, 26 May 2021

Viewing – 4.00pm to 7.00pm
Central Catholic High School
McGonigle Theater
4720 Fifth Avenue
Pittsburgh PA 15213

Thursday, 27 May 2021

Mass of Christian Burial – 10.00am
Saint Rosalia Church
411 Greenfield Avenue
Pittsburgh PA 15207

Friday, 28 May 2021

Private Interment – 1.30pm
De La Salle Cemetery
6001 Ammendale Road
Beltsville MD 20705

Brother Mark died peacefully in his sleep early Friday afternoon after a brief respite in hospice care.

The District of Eastern North America remembers Brother Mark with memorial liturgies according to the tradition of the Institute. Through their prayers, communities and individuals entrust Brother Mark to God’s loving care.

May he rest in peace.

Pittsburgh Post- Gazette Death Notice


Elkins Park PA
La Salle College (scholasticate)

Philadelphia PA
West Catholic High School for Boys

Cumberland MD
Bishop Walsh High School

Pittsburgh PA
Central Catholic High School

Pittsburgh PA
Michael’s Place (Outreach Director)

Pittsburgh PA
Central Catholic High School

Pittsburgh PA
Central Catholic High School (resident)

Lincroft NJ
De La Salle Hall (resident)